Saturday, April 5, 2014

DeBlasio hires Markowitz for tourism gig

From Crains:

Marty Markowitz may be synonymous with Brooklyn as the borough's former president for 12 years, but now he will be paid to crow about Queens, Staten Island and the Bronx as well.

Mr. Markowitz was snatched up by the city's tourism bureau, NYC & Company, as its vice president for borough promotion and engagement. It is a new position.

"He will be an outstanding asset as NYC & Company looks to further build on its efforts to expand five-borough tourism and encourage more travel to every corner of our city," said Mayor Bill de Blasio in a statement.


Anonymous said...

Term limits are meaningless if we can't brush these ticks off the public tit once they leave office.

I wonder why the Mayor didn't give the job to Tom Galante? Doesn't he still have a few unpaid hours left in his week?

Anonymous said...

Isn't he the lying crook that promised all those Brooklyn jobs and reneged on the deal?

Anonymous said...

Another hack who can't go away already !

Anonymous said...

I assume that he'll be collecting $ retirement for his just-completed BP stint, and now additional taxpayer funds for his new job. Not bad!

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