Monday, April 7, 2014

Crowley removes opponent's supporters from community board

Word has come in that Council Member Elizabeth Crowley, who was given a tough time by Republican candidate Craig Caruana in last year's general election, has removed 2 of his supporters from Queens Community Board 5. Manuel Caruana, a long-time board member, Maspeth activist and uncle to Craig Caruana, and Vernon McDermott, a Caruana campaign supporter who owns a Ridgewood business and donates heavily to Ridgewood charities, were unceremoniously dumped by the sore winner. And of course, Queens Machine darling Melinda Katz went along with the bloodletting.

This is why you should never admire anyone seen receiving accolades from the borough president for having served on a community board for 20 or 30 years. If you've survived that long, you've more than likely been dead weight or a faithful defender of the Democratic Machine.

UPDATE: Also found out that Crowley dumped her own relative, Rose Johnson, off the board for no specific reason. Johnson has been the community board member most outspoken against the Knockdown Center.


Anonymous said...

There should be term limits in a community board.

CB1, the community board from hell, has some members that are on in their 3 and 4 decade.

Queens Crapper said...

Community board members should have to apply and be vetted by the DOI, and if there are more applications than positions, they should be drawn by lottery. Remove the politics from it.

Anonymous said...

CB 1 also doesn’t do the Pledge of Allegiance before their meetings

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that in this day and age, community board members are being appointed/removed based on political affiliation. Back in the day, if you were a good steward of your community, you got appointed and you were allowed to disagree with your council member about certain projects. This disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame that in this day and age, community board members are being appointed/removed based on political affiliation. Back in the day, if you were a good steward of your community, you got appointed and you were allowed to disagree with your council member about certain projects. This disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

Two good community minded men who will no doubt be replaced with party hacks.

Anonymous said...

Vote AGAINST all machine candidates. It's about time that Virginia Joe and Dizzy Lizzy get the message that Queens needs better leadership than the Dumb & Dumber Crowleys.

Anonymous said...

What is the old saying, "To the victor belong the spoils"?

Anonymous said...

Instead of that crown adorning her head it should be one of the ten cent plastic bags she is touting to her constituents. We would all be better off for it.

Anonymous said...

When will voters WAKE UP???!!!

Anonymous said...

Everyone knew exactly what they were getting and yet she still was reelected, and we still here how dangerous and corrupt republican candidates are. Does anyone know what the arrest, indictment and incarceration rate is for politicians of each party?

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but even though I don't like Dizzy Lizzy, the CB members go through Borough Hall, not the Councilwoman. Does Katz take marching orders?

Anonymous said...

Too bad Crowley "The Queen" can't be removed by affiliation with crooks.

Anonymous said...

We already elect council members, let them have community boards to help the DEMOCRATICALLY elected members. Would let the majority get the city they want instead of the dysfunction we have today.

Anonymous said...

"It's a shame that in this day and age, community board members are being appointed/removed based on political affiliation."

Yeah, yeah, yeah get a grip willya it's always been about politics

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 12:

I believe that half of the CB members are appointed by the BP, and half by the Council Members.

Joe said...

The voters (and lazy non voters) are getting exactly what they deserve. These crooks are locking it up to be a government of liberal democrats forever.
I'm still trying to sell the house in Ridgewood. Only slumlord like people are interested and want it for nothing.

Anonymous said...

Wait till everyone's property values drop 30% in the next 3 years..............

Joe said...

Could be more like 50% in 4 years or overnight especially if Obama does executive order amnesty. Around 1 million 3rd world slobs would immediately flood into Queens demanding free stuff they believe they are entitled to.
diBlasio already has open arms and drunk drivers licenses for them.---BIG trouble coming !!!

Anonymous said...

As soon as Liz loses her looks she wont be able to suck her way to where she wants to be. "Hail, hail to her majesty the blow job queen of Queens".

I'd LOVE to see her "client" list!

Anonymous said...

Get rid of community boards. They are just window dressing and their votes are advisory only. These boards eat up tax dollars. DMs get fat salaries . CB7s Marilyn Bitterman makes about 90 grand annually!

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