Sunday, March 9, 2014

Welcome to Everett Park

Have you heard of Everett Park? Located a block away from the Queens County Supreme Court, it is a block-long development dating to 1913, designed in a neo-federal style more reminiscent of Washington, D.C.

The 1909 Bromley Atlas shows the old name for 146th Street as Colonial Avenue, perhaps the inspiration for the architecture. How are the buildings doing these days? Have a look at the photos:
Everett1: Owned by Johanne Juste, this unattached home is for sale. I fear it may face demolition. To its left and right, its neighbors were heavily altered by their owners, hiding their original federal facades.
Everett2: owned by Rohinee Bhoge, this corner home is overshadowed by the mammoth courthouse. 88th Avenue has red brick paving for a couple of blocks.
Everett3 and 4: nicely lined up chimneys. Some homes still have their original roof shingles.
Everett 5: Elford Baldeo's home features a brick addition, but otherwise looks nearly unaltered.
Everett6: closer to the 89th Avenue end of the block, Tikalal Muntie's home has an ugly blue tarp covering up the balcony. Ugly! Many of the bricks are missing on this paved street.


Anonymous said...

Satellite dishes always add charm to a historic structure.

Unknown said...

love the names of these people.

Joe Moretti said...

IF this was somewhere else, this area would have been so nice without alterations (well maybe) and these house would have a value much higher than what they are now. Jamaica had so much potential but has been blown decade after decade by too many low-class ghetto people and very low-class third world immigrants who just do not give a shit. Does not help when you have useless, do-nothing and corrupt leaders as well and a community board that seems to care little about the community.


Anonymous said...

What a pity that these people have ruined a quaint little historical district with their "improvements!"

This area should have been landmarked a long time ago.

It would be nice if some nice educated yuppies/trustifarians were to buy in to the area and restore it.

I know it's not pc to say this but whenever youngish white people move into my neighborhood the house and property look 1000% better and whenever anyone else does they immediately destroy any remaining charm - they kill all the trees, pave over everything, put or cheap white plastic fences (could we please ban these next to sidewalks?) and even "COVER UP TUDOR DETAILS!" So - yes - they are not welcomed and it's hard not to hate them!

Typical Queens people don't give a shit about things of natural beauty or historical significance - excluding QC fans, of course.

Joe Moretti said...

ANON stated:

"I know it's not pc to say this but whenever youngish white people move into my neighborhood the house and property look 1000% better and whenever anyone else does they immediately destroy any remaining charm - they kill all the trees, pave over everything, put or cheap white plastic fences (could we please ban these next to sidewalks?) and even "COVER UP TUDOR DETAILS!" So - yes - they are not welcomed and it's hard not to hate them!"


It might not be PC, but it is totally correct, although I would extend that to middle class white and middle class to upper class black people (look at Addisleigh Park in the Jamaica area).

Third world immigrant are THE WORST as are some of the other immigrants who do not give a shit, but definitely third world and especially Pakistan, Bengali and parts of the Middle East.

Anonymous said...

The middle class really can't afford North Flushing, where little shit houses go for about 600-800K and the larger ones are over a million. I thought middle-class was defined as a household making 75-135K/year. I can't see someone saving several hundred thousand for a down-payment in that income bracket.

I've never seen a black family in this area but sure - please come and bring your middle-to-upper class VALUES!!!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Anywhere else in Queens with these red street paving stones? As far as I can tell - driving all over the borough - this is the only area with these red pavers.

Where'd they come from?

Gary the Agnostic said...

They used to me on Sutphin Boulevard all the way down to Jamaica Avenue.

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