Monday, March 3, 2014

Unlucky horseshoe building for Forest Avenue

Here is a photo of current conditions at the lot located at 62-41 Forest Avenue in Ridgewood. There has been some controversy over it because the developer withdrew plans approved by the BSA for a 4-story, 30-unit building, and got approval from DOB for a 5-story, 44-unit building without going back to the BSA. The BSA has apparently told the DOB that a new formal decision with community board and borough president review for this Gerry Caliendo special is not required, but the BSA does need to sign off on the project - to make sure that it "conforms" with the original BSA decision. How a 5 floor building can comply with a decision for a 4 floor building is curious, but that's how things work in BSA la-la land.
Anyway, a diagram of this mess has been posted on DOB's website. And it's quite a doozy. It's a horseshoe-shaped building, but part of it is 4 stories and part of it is 5 stories, and the dividing line is diagonal, no less. I'm sorry if my description doesn't do this pile of dung justice.

All this overdevelopment where there was a vacant lot, and where it's quite a hike to get to the subway. Now there's smart planning!

See previously: Concerned about overdevelopment in Ridgewood


Anonymous said...

This overdevelopment suck! It's just a way to allow more people (that we don't need) in NYC! This city is already overcrowded... I think we should now find a way to keep people from coming here, we are already so overcrowded that our services are being worn down, our schools are overcrowded, our sanitation workers are overburdened, there's not enough hospitals opened in NYC, doctors offices are crowded and its not like we are grtting actual nice, hardworking people here....all we get is welfare recipients and criminals.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we need people to stop moving here. Sent them to jersey, theirs empty land all around metlife stadium, they could setup shop there.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure all the newly arrived eastern european asylum seekers will just love it!

Anonymous said...

The Ringe family is turning over in their graves.

Anonymous said...

As long as they vote Dem it's all good.

tylerchill said...

His diagonal cut seems to follow the two different zones for the plot. They cut diagonally following the line of demapped Greene Avenue.

Anonymous said...

So sad. Does anyone remember the horse stables that were directly across the street up till the early 1980s? What about the beautiful garden that used to be on the corner of Forest and Metro till it was paved over for an auto lot in the late 70s early 80s? I tell my kids my old neighborhood did not always look as ugly as it does now.

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