Saturday, March 22, 2014

Trylon synagogue taken to court

From the Times Ledger:

A rent dispute between Ohr Natan synagogue and the Rego Park congregations’ landlord has landed the two in court.

Rabbi Nahum Kaziev, who leads the Bukharian house of worship, at 98-81 Queens Blvd., said Ohr Natan was served with an eviction notice after the property owners accused the temple of not paying rent.

He said the synagogue continued sending monthly checks, but was told its landlord, Trylon LLC, did not receive them.

Anthony La Vigna
The temple attempted to send more checks to account for the missing money, but Trylon argued the rent was late and moved to terminate its lease in Queens Supreme Court, according to Kaziev.

Judge Terrence O’Conner dismissed the case because of a technicality earlier this month, but Trylon LLC plans to re-file its case.


Anonymous said...

This used to be a very beautiful and popular theater before it was destroyed.

J said...

this and the theater on woodhaven blvd that restaurant took over,which is now out of business

Anonymous said...

Meir Babaev: "You must pay rent!"
Rabbi Kaziev: "I can't pay the rent!"
Meir Babaev: "You must pay rent!"
Rabbi Kaziev: "I can't pay the rent!"
Meir Babaev: "You must pay rent!"
Rabbi Kaziev: "I can't pay the rent!"
Medical (Insurance Fraud) Centers: "We'll pay the rent."
Medicaid Czar: "My hero!"

Anonymous said...

how many American citizens live in that area?

Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around!

Kasiev destroyed the landmark worthy historic Trylon Theater and deserves to be thrown out onto the street!

Amen! There is a God.

These Bukharian cultural barbarians need to be taught that they cannot destroy American theater history without paying a high price.

I say, throw these bums out!

Anonymous said...

Cruel comments!

This theatre was 'crap', and an eyesore for years before the Bucharians came in.

Anonymous said...

This theatre was 'crap', and an eyesore for years before the Bucharians came in.
So untrue. The Trylon was the only fully sized theater still intact in the area when the Midway, Continental, Forest Hills and Elmwood all becamee multiplexes.

Anonymous said...

Cruel comments?

The cruelty rests on the heads of these Bukharian hordes of invading barbarians...who descended from the rout American culture.

A lot appear to be in the diamond ("blood, conflict diamond?) trade.

Now that's real cruelty for you!

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