Sunday, March 30, 2014

'Tis the season for the return of "Irish travelers"

"There are at least two bogus roofing companies preying on seniors, especially women, in the Middle Village-Maspeth area.

They use one scam... approaching the target homeowner and say they were working on a neighbor's roof nearby and noticed that the target homeowner has a serious roofing issue. The phony roofer goes on the roof sprays a (non-waterproof) silver paint, usually taking an hour and a half and then gives the homeowner a ridiculous bill, in this case $2,250. The scammer then offers to lower the bill to $1,950 if the homeowner pays cash. Which she did.

Of course the scammer gives a bill that's pre-printed and appears to be legit. However the company name turns out to be bogus including the license number, phone and address.

The scammers have used company names such as "Halliday Painting Roofing Waterproofing" McGavin and possibly Thompson. They have been known to use Irish and Scottish accents. Their trucks are new and look impressive, a dark grey capped pickup and a red pickup, both with out of-state plates.

If anyone sees these trucks operating in the area please call 911 and try and get a license plate. Also please call the Juniper Park Civic Association (718) 651-5865 if you know other victims or attempted scams.

In the case pictured the senior could not climb a ladder to check on the work. The scammer promised in writing to seal and waterproof roof and flashing, clean gutters and guaranteed the job for 7 years. None of the work promised was actually done, in fact the bogus roofer spray painted perfectly good shingles." - Robert Holden

Apparently this is a yearly occurrence.

These folks are known as "Irish travelers". If they approach you, call 911.


Anonymous said...

Always trucks with caps or extended cabs because the dirtbags sleep in them.
Like the Romani's these Scotts Irish tinker Gypsys marry their pre-teen daughters in Late May-June. Many get very desperate and aggressive, dont let them near your front door especially if they have young kids with them. (usually asking for some kind of help or glass of water)

Anonymous said...

These gypsies were working around Forest Hills a few years ago. On my way to work one early morning they were talking to an elderly woman on her lawn. I knew what was going on. I waved to her and got her attention. As I walked across to her , the 2 gypsies got in their dilapidated truck and took off. She was grateful that I was passing by. I reported the incident to the precinct.

Anonymous said...

The scam is aided by the fact that our politicians are eager to regulate all aspects of our lives and control our behavior but seem unwilling to do anything about the fraud that is the explosion of out of state plates

Anonymous said...

The cops are clueless regarding this scam. A neighbor of mine called the 104th Precinct and they told her to call Consumer Affairs.

RC said...

Congratulations on getting named credit for the scoop on this story in today's NYDN, Crappy. Methinks Lisa Colangelo is a regular reader of the blog.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, the newspapers often get scoops here.

The good news is the woman whose house is shown in the photo got her money back today. The guy saw the reports in today's papers and sent her a certified check via messenger.

Unknown said...

Gives us law abiding Irish a bad reputation

Eileen said...

A very insulting headline if these people that are scamming elderly people read the story if they were irish people or travellers as yer headline states they would not have to put on irish or scottish accents.

Anonymous said...

They should be legal to shoot on site.

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