Monday, March 10, 2014

Stink central

From NY1:

While many straphangers are heading to work in the Jamaica Center-Parsons/Archer E train station at rush hour, many others have no place to be. They're homeless, spending their time on the subway cars and platforms, and in the bathrooms.

"People are bathing in there with buckets," said one rider. "It's horrible."

On this particular morning, every train we saw had homeless people on it. Others who ride the trains say it's affecting their quality of life, that they can't ride in some cars because of conditions there.

"Some mornings, we have to run from one train car to the next train car," said one rider. "And what is so bad is that they take up four and five cars."

"They lay out on the cars. They do their business. They have a high smell odor," said another. "It's very unhealthy."

We can show you what it looks like, but we can't show you what it smells like. We can only tell you that the stench is indescribable.

...a subway cleaner who spoke to NY1 off camera said that he's witnessed a number of violations, including "a lot of the homeless defecating, urinating in the car on the seats, right there on the floor. They just drop their pants and just do what they got to do, and you know, you got to deal with that."


Anonymous said...

What happened to that plan a while ago that the myself had in place to rid the homeless out of the subway cars?

Anonymous said...

They just drop their pants and just do what they got to do, and you know, you got to deal with that.



Sounds like how many of the Queens politicians and community boards treat their communities.

Anonymous said...

In the Science libaray on 34th and Madison there are signs forbidding laundry and bathing in the bathroom. Still, you always see some homeless washing their undies in the sink next to you. One day I walked in and someone was washing his soiled rectalia at the sink!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why this lifestyle is chosen rather than living in a shelter? I have never lived on the streets nor in a shelter, so I don't know the answer.

Anonymous said...

A perfect metaphor for the City as a whole, and soon the nation.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know why this lifestyle is chosen rather than living in a shelter?

In the shelter, you have to follow rules, and (I assume) you can't have any weapons or drugs.

Joe Moretti said...

This city makes a million excuses why they cannot provide a decent quality of life.

This one is not too hard to take care of.

Funny how a few homeless have the rights, but the rest of us do not have the right to actually sit in clean, non-smelling subway car that takes us to a job that in which we pays taxes, which in turns pay for the salaries of knuckleheads that state "you got to deal with it".

georgetheatheist said...


More than one?

Anonymous said...

The Westinghouse Time Capsule in Flushing Meadow Park is far worse then anything I seen or smelled in the subway. The vagrant's in the park use it as a toilet. The whole 12 foot wide circular round bench is stained black with feces and urine. The NYC Park's Dept and NYPD should be ashamed of themselves for allowing this to go on so long !!

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

The Westinghouse Time Capsule in Flushing Meadow Park is far worse then anything I seen or smelled in the subway.


But the subway carries millions of people every day, so yeah, this is way worse than the park.

Anonymous said...

The bathrooms at Starbucks are getting just as bad. More than once recently I have been confronted by the sight of liquid feces sprayed on the wall behind the toilet. It is totally disgusting. It is as though they can barely make it in there but then not hold it in long enough even to sit down. What is this City coming to???

Anonymous said...

Starbutts coffee?

Anonymous said...

The bathrooms at Starbucks are getting just as bad.

Which one(s) in particular, so I can try to avoid those?

Anonymous said...

I don't know why they are just talking about the E train. This happens on every other subway line in NYC. The E is their favorite, but they sleep on the N, Q, R, D you name it - usually at least two per train, if not one in every car smelling like grim death.

They cleaned this problem up years ago, and then Bloomberg came along and didn't give a fuck.

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