Friday, March 7, 2014

Pols want Creedmoor project downsized dramatically

From the Daily News:

A controversial South Asian group attempting to build senior housing in Bellerose received the latest in a long series of blows.

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz postponed a vote Thursday on whether to grant the Indian Cultural and Community Center a variance to put up two six-story buildings on the site that was formerly part of Creedmoor Psychiatric Center.

The nonprofit group was unable to submit its plans because the city Board of Standards and Appeals ordered the center last week to downsize the buildings so they would better fit into the neighborhood of one- and two-family homes.

“I will do everything in my power to stop this out-of-character, and obnoxious project,” state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside) told the Daily News.

He said members of the group offered to help him get reelected — if he helped them acquire a second parcel of land at the site. He refused to support them.

“I have never come across a more disreputable bunch of individuals who consistently misrepresent and lie about their intentions,” Avella said.

The center sparked outrage in the community because its initial plans called for a community center, athletic field and parking facility.

It was only after the center bought the 4.5 acres for $1.8 million — about a fourth of its market-rate value — from the state New York State Dormitory Authority, that it revealed its full intention: to build housing on the site as well.


Anonymous said...

Why do we allow these foreigners to come in and dictate what they want done with our land? All they're going to do is apply for their old relatives to come and live in this 'senior housing" (which we all know will only cater to their own people)

J said...

Mr.Avella has become emboldened since his break with the spineless corrupt establisment democrats.

this is a very good thing.

Anonymous said...

Why do we allow these politicians to stand before cameras and make empty promises, they have no hope or ability to fulfill? Oh wait, it's an election year that's why...

Anonymous said...

No amount of emphasis can ever be placed on the word "ALL" in this context.

ALL politicians are scum and non-human criminals.

And "you" guys go and vote for em....

Anonymous said...

“I have never come across a more disreputable bunch of individuals who consistently misrepresent and lie about their intentions,” Avella said.


Say what you will about election years, etc., it's rare that you see a pol use language like this to describe a constituency.

Anonymous said...

A politician will say anything and do anything to remain on the public teat. Especially in an election year. Don't get fooled again! Most of these leeches have never had a real job, nor would they be able to hold down a real job.

Anonymous said...

I agree with this strange looking grumpy man who is never smiles.

Anonymous said...

It's so sad that I have to state this...our elected officials draw salary so that they can devote themselves to the public service they were elected to fulfill! Too bad so many devote themselves to their own interests!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Avella has become emboldened since his break with the spineless corrupt establisment democrats.

Tony has been acting like this ever since he was first elected - that's why political hacks from both parties hate him.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella: The best elected official in Queens! No contest!!!

Anonymous said...

Why not return it to what it was before the buildings were built - a shooting range?

Anonymous said...

Go Tony! This is an outrageous plan. Its refreshing to see a politician expose septic developments

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