Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Meat display in Oakland Gardens

Hi Crapper,
Thought you might find this unusual for a urban neighborhood like Bayside. Check out my attached pictures of food (Dead Meat) hanging out the back windows of a house next to Queensborough Community College. This has been going on for the whole winter with different meat each week. I hope no pets are missing or hunting of wild life at Oakland Lake.

221-84 Garland Drive, Oakland Gardens 11364


Anonymous said...

Anyone want to bet that these people are Asian?

Joe Moretti said...

Fuck, I have never even seen this in Jamaica, so that tells you how bad this is.

Anonymous said...

Don't be silly. Those are leftover Halloween decorations.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Emanuel Celler, your legacy will last forever.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant Diversity!

There Has GOT TO BE A LAW against this, particular iteration of the diversity conundrum...

Anonymous said...

If you Google that house address it comes up Tai Chi Smoked and Cured Meats, Inc.

georgetheatheist said...

My Chinese neighbor used to rent out to just-off-the-boat Chinese tenants. About 25 years ago, they hung skinned chickens from the clothesline in the back yard to dry out the meat. I looked out my kitchen window: "WTF is this!!!" I asked my neighbor owner emphatically to tell the tenant to cut it out and he did. (I've got photos of the drying birds. Never saw or heard anything like this before.) The Chinese tenant worked in a factory down the block. After he was told he couldn't hang the chickens out in the back yard, I guess he managed to persuade the owner of the factory to enable him to hang the chickens out on the factory's roof. Sure enough, a few days later there must have been at least 20 chickens hanging from a jerry-rigged clothesline on the factory's roof. Fortunately the factory was later torn down for housing.

Queens. A long, long history of vibrancy and diversity.

georgetheatheist said...

Now here's what I would do if this was my Oakland Gardens schmuck of a neighbor (See,I'm not putting up with this aesthetic disaster, let alone posible health disaster):

1. Contact the neighbor and tell him/her to "cut it out". Politely.
2. If he/she doesn't cut it out, tell him you're going to get a water-soaker gun and fill it with some foul liquid and squirt it on the meat. Show him the gun. Mention, you'll be watching.
3. Meat stays up? Gun gets squirted.
4. Cops called. You get arrested for "squirting aesthetically offensive meat". Remember, a judge has to rule on this case.
5. You become the latest star on the internet.

Goddammit put your foot down!!

Anonymous said...

"Thank you Emanuel Celler..."

The only good thing Liz Holtzman did was beat him.

Anonymous said...

Queens as we knew it is gone.
It's now a 3rd World cesspool!

Anonymous said...

I've called 311 on several occasions for a similar issue (and a few others including illegal curb cuts and zoning issues) in Bayside Hills. I usually get a response within the week and someone actually comes to investigate.

This has to be some kind of health hazard...and definitely an eyesore for the neighborhood.

But we need to do more than just commenting on this blog -- let someone know. I agree with george, "put your foot down"!

Trust...not every Asian family in Bayside/Queens tolerates this shit in the neighborhood.

This one certainly doesn't.

Joe Moretti said...

ANON: I've called 311 on several occasions for a similar issue (and a few others including illegal curb cuts and zoning issues) in Bayside Hills. I usually get a response within the week and someone actually comes to investigate.

Wow, a week for illegal curb cuts. I called and gave 25 illegal curb cuts on two blocks near me and was told by DOB it could take up to 90 days and that this issue is not on the top of their priority list and a million other excuses.

Anonymous said...

This address is right around the corner from Oakland Lake.

Could some of the deceased (diseased?) wildlife be from the park?? If so, that's a no-no.

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid growing up in the Ridgewood/Maspeth area some of the men used to travel upstate in the Fall of the year and hunt deer.

If they were lucky enough to shoot one they'd bring it back to the neighborhood and butcher it in their yard.

They'd then let the gutted, beheaded, de-legged and skinned carcass wrapped in cheese cloth hang in their yard for a couple days of aging.

It wasn't pretty but it sure tasted good when made into sausage, steaks, stew and Sauerbraten.

Anonymous said...

I looked up 221-84 Garland Drive on the city's map. The address does not exist. Please give me the correct address so that I can report it to 311.

Anonymous said...

Google it and it comes up fine.
221-84 Garland Dr Oakland Gardens, NY 11364 ,right next to Queensborough Community College.
Notice in street view how the sidewalk is blocked with cars.

Joe Moretti said...

Just goggled it, really nice street with nice homes, manicured yards and then this piece of of modern third world crap with four families in it and everything cemented over. Amazing how one low class person can destroy a block. I am sure the neighbors were not happy when these hanging meat folks came in. Probably tore a nice house down for that piece of shit.

Joe Moretti said...

Correction, they put 6 fucking families in the piece of shit.

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe,
All the houses bordering Queensbourough College look like illegal brick crap. You should see all the cars and work vans parked on the cement paved front yards overnight. You are probably right in that they house six families or more and some likely are SRO's in the basements.

Anonymous said...

gross keep on eye on this weirdo. tell him to live upstate or in the woods somewhere. don't let him kill what little wildlife we have in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Asians! I have such fond memories of growing up in Elmhurst, a once historic neighborhood, completely destroyed by crap like this. I remember all the clothes lines going from people's back windows, across the yard, to a metal pole at the far end of the yard. The whites/europeans/hispanics hung clothes on those lines. The asians hung squid and various other types of fish.

Anonymous said...

Asians ruin neighborhoods with their third world crap and culture. Learn to be civilized.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Ah, Asians! I have such fond memories of growing up in Elmhurst, a once historic neighborhood, completely destroyed by crap like this. I remember all the clothes lines going from people's back windows, across the yard, to a metal pole at the far end of the yard.The whites/europeans/hispanics hung clothes on those lines. The asians hung squid and various other types of fish."

I can relate, I grew up in Elmhurst too and still own a two family that my family and I take care of very well. It makes me sad what happened to that neighborhood that had so much charm and potential. It could of been better than the nearby Middle Village..it has older charming homes (what is left), old churches and buildings, wides streets and most importantly history. But lots of events have carved to the way it is today. Lack of community, all those whites/Europeans and hispanics' children thought they were too good for that neighborhood and looked elsewhere to live (my parents generation, ppl in their 40', 50' and 60's now), politics, the zoning which have allowed for lots of Queens Crap buildings (I mean my grandparents moved here in the late 40's & and the zoning is the same still). There is no balance in the zoning in Elmhurst and that's not a good thing for the infrastructure. Anyways I take pride in our property and maybe one day if ever the neighborhood turns around before it's all crap buildings, oh and yea when all those aluminum gates are gone. In the I currently decide to join the Newtown Civic Association and the president seems to care and question certain issues ( like the Mattone scandal by Queens Center Mall).

Anonymous said...

Italian bird feeders!
Where the hell have you been, never seen em before?


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