Saturday, March 8, 2014

Civic calls for landlords to be forced to pay up

From the Times Ledger:

The Juniper Park Civic Association says it is time the city abandon its tactic of trying to fine landlords who fail to address building violations.

The civic association sent a slew of photos and a memo to the de Blasio administration outlining properties the association said have racked up thousands of dollars in fines for city Department of Building violations yet are not compelled to address the infractions.

At the association’s Feb. 27 meeting, Juniper Park Civic Association President Robert Holden held up enlarged photos of properties with graffitied commercial vehicles parked in the yard or a fence towering above a residential street.

“DOB is doing its job,” he said, emphasizing that many landlords had been fined for the infractions. “We’re calling on the mayor and the Department of Finance to go after these guys.”

For instance, the owner of 57-65 75th St., near the Elmhurst-Maspeth border, has four open violations with the city Environmental Control Board and $6,100 in unpaid fines. Yet the association said the same commercial trucks that were sited in all four infractions for a violation of the residential zoning code remain a common sight.

Holden said ideally the city would hire contractors to go in and fix infractions and then bill owners for the work.

De Blasio’s office did not respond to requests for comment.


Anonymous said...

This is a big problem that our elected officials refuse to fix. Yes, the Building Department eventually does it job.
The problem is the fines don't have to be paid and the condition never has to be fixed.

Anonymous said...

We all need to join Holden in this effort to encourage the City to collect thousands of dollars in ECB violations.

Anonymous said...

Dob.fines them but that won't stop them from doing it. Like when they build these illegal two family houses and put four families in it, all dob does is give them a fine, but the owner will still do it again. A fine is not hefty enough....I think violating the law more than two times should be considered for jail time or loss of the Home.

Joe Moretti said...

Laws need to change because this system is not working. Fines end up just racking up and the problem with these properties still exists. If DOB or some other city agencies, go in and fix it, they bill the owner and that is more money that is not collected.

They need to have something like a three strikes you are out, where you get the first fine of x amount of dollars, if the issue is not fixed and fine not paid, it doubles, it goes up again by the third. After the 3rd violation is not fixed and paid for, the city goes in and takes the property and it becomes city property to either develop or turn into a community garden, etc. And the owner can never purchase NYC property again.

Anonymous said...

Start holding your breath.

Anonymous said...

If the city started to seize these properties for unpaid fines, wouldn't the city start to hold a lot of housing inventory?

Also, don't these fines become a lien on the property or otherwise have to be paid if the property is transferred?

Anonymous said...

Super Halal Meat, Bellrose Meat and Valley discounts
253-06 Hillside Ave
Bellerose, NY 11426

This location continues to have outstanding violations both unfixed and not paid.
zoning violations / fire hazards / safety issues /quality of life issues for the neighborhood
It's been over 3 years the community has been dealing with this location and the city ignoring our complaints. It's been over a year since we were told by the Buildings Department. " they had a plan and the building owner was cooperating"
THE COMMUNITY IS STILL WAITING. This system is a joke and needs to be fixed.

Anonymous said...

Why aren't our elected officials changing the laws?
I guess it's easier to blame someone else and say there is nothing they can do.

Anonymous said...

At best, the city should charge interest on unpaid Environmental Control Board fines. An excellent way to raise money for Pre-K!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, but the question is why aren't they going after this loophole for building owners? If the building owner never does anything else with the building. They will NEVER/EVER have to fix or pay any of the fines until they sell or need the building legal for some other unrelated reason. But they continue to operate and collect rent.

Anonymous said...

And we continue to elect these guys
Wake up New Yorkers

Anonymous said...

Millions of dollars in unpaid fines
Why isn't the city changing the laws so they can collect this money?

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