Saturday, March 8, 2014

CitiBike bankrupt; City Council wants bailout

From the Daily News:

The financially troubled company running the city’s bike rental program is considering raising its rates so it can stay afloat, new Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg said Thursday.

“We’re talking to them,” Trottenberg told the Daily News at City Hall after testifying before the City Council’s transportation committee. “I would put it this way — all options are on the table. I think everyone agrees it turned out to be a real bargain for New Yorkers, who used the system twice as much as users of other cities.”

A hallmark of the Bloomberg administration, Citi Bike launched in May with numerous docking stations in Manhattan south of 96th St. and in parts of Brooklyn. Right from the start it was wildly popular — there were 80,000 annual members in just three months, exceeding expectations — but former Mayor Bloomberg conceded in October that the operator was not making a profit.

Citi Bike annual membership costs $95, which allows a user to make an unlimited number of 45-minute trips. A 7-day pass costs $25, while the daily variety goes for $9.95.

Many neighborhoods have been clamoring for installation of Citibike stations, but it’s unclear when the system will expand, officials said.

“It’s not going to be in the immediate future, but we’re going to see if we can figure out the financial and operational issues and set them on a good path,” Trottenberg said.

At Thursday’s hearing, some committee members said Citi Bike has become part of the city’s transportation infrastructure and warrants government subsidies.

“To achieve full build out and go to the neighborhoods we want to go to, I think it’s going to take public funds,” Councilman Rory Lancman (D-Queens) said.

And does Rory have CitiBike in his district? No. So why does he think it's such a great idea to fund a failing program? How about letting CitiBank pay for the increased cost since they are getting free advertising from it and got a very generous bailout from us schmucky taxpayers in the not-too-distant past?


Anonymous said...

Citibank paid an advertising fee. not sure how you can call it free advertising considering. Lancman wants citibike expanded, presumably to his district. That seems clear from the quote. Why do you call it a failing program? No transportation system in NYC pays for itself. I never see any posts here attacking city subsidies to operators of motor vehicles, but cycling is hit repeatedly. Why the hypocrisy crappy?

Anonymous said...

Please, give us a some want the taxpayer to pay for something that's failing. It started out to be private they are saying it's part of our infrastructure and the city should fund it....please stop, this crap is getting sickening......

Queens Crapper said...

Citibank spent $41m to sponsor the program. Companies sponsor things all the time without having their names plastered all over the place. Their logos on everything amounts to free advertising.

It is a failing program because the business plan called for it to sustain itself. Supporters howled that no city money was involved, so everyone should love it. The hypocrisy is not on my part.

BikeShare is never coming to Rory Lancman's district, and taxpayer money is better spent on things his constituents need and want.

Anonymous said...

It's so successful, it's not profitable! You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous said...

I agree. $41M for advertising of this magnitude is vastly undervalued. Citibank should spend more. If they don't, or if the program doesn't find other sponsors, then it's time to hit the road.

Anonymous said...

Make the yuppies that use it pay more. Don't dip into the public trough.

Anonymous said...

This article sums it up well.

Anonymous said...

Fuck them and the bikes they rode in on! I can't count the number of times we were told it would be "Self sustaining" and require "No public money". Socialist bullshit artists!
But the assholes on the city council will bail it out. You just know they will.

Anonymous said...

Wonder how many people will actually be riding the bikes when the fee goes up....usually bigger price equals less buyers.

Anonymous said...

"Wonder how many people will actually be riding the bikes when the fee goes up?"

They'll still ride their bikes, remember these are the same yuppie/hipster assholes that don't mind paying $6.00 for a cup of burned watered down coffee with a milky design on top.

Anonymous said...

$7.6 million was generated in the first 3 months on annual memberships.

Are you kidding me?

The operator should be held accountable for their budget, not put their hand out so my taxes can pay it.

Shame on them if they can't make it work, then it shouldn't work. I'm sick of the government bailing out greedy companies.

Anonymous said...

Remember, we got the bikeshare program shoved down our throats by a very vocal, well organized minority, who were armed with "Facts" and projections as to how "Beneficial" the program was going to be for the city of NY. It turns out it was bullshit. They gave themselves the moral high ground because you know BIKES! Until opponents get vocal and organized they're still going to force feed us crap we don't need or want

Anonymous said...

City Council better not spend my tax dollars on bailing this out.

Anonymous said...

"City Council better not spend my tax dollars on bailing this out"

They will and what will you do about it? Vote the same bumbling idiots in the next election cycle? I'll bet you will...

J said...

citibank wants another bailout,do they?

this was doomed from the is obvious that it did not get the annual users they wanted even with the preposterous charge ratio.25 a week,10 for a day?even the most frivolous spending dumbshit would not put up with that price gouging.

and those bikes are uncomfortable and heavy,those rich jerks have got to feel it too,also the coldest winter in almost 20 years which is probably why ridership is down.I would not doubt because of the ugly style they get mocked by their brahs for being seen on them.

and the new isolated bike lanes,which have turned into extended sidewalks for the oblivious ignorant masses,would cause any newbie shitirider to go nuts slaloming around them,not to bother riding them anymore

another thing about these new lanes,they even get potholes too.

this is the legacy of mayor funsize,because it was not his own money from his multimedia empire that was spent.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous are so right! Lol

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be insane to get on a bike in Manhattan! It's so incredibly dangerous.

If approx. 20 horses were hit by cars last year just think of how many cyclists will be run over this summer. Horses are a lot larger and they still get hit by the dumb fucks driving in Manhattan.

I think we should prevent single occupant non-work-related cars from Manhattan during the week until after 6:00 PM. And lower the damned price of the LIRR!!! Then you can think of having people bike around.

Anonymous said...

City Council better not spend...

For the record smarty pants Anonymous, all my candidates LOST the recent elections.

Anonymous said...

Save your money and buy a real bike. Can't fit a bike in your crappy home? Buy a folding bike.

Me said...

Let the piece of shit billionaire pay for it. And let that idiot KKKAAAAHHHHHNNNNNN chip in.

Anonymous said...

And take out the stupid bike lanes that NOBODY uses. They were put in the most congested bottleneck roads possible. In the case of the one down Jewel Avenue, it took out a much-needed precious 3rd traffic lane, causing unbelievable traffic tie-ups, adding at least 10 minutes to a commute between Kissena Blvd. and 108th Street.

Anonymous said...

Yes. That Jewel Av bike lane was put in the right lane of traffic that turns onto the entrance ramp to the Grand Central Parkway!!! EXTREMELY dangerous! What was DOT thinking ??? What incompetance!

Anonymous said...

"transportation system in NYC pays for itself."

But its not a NYC transportation system. That would require a democratic distribution of the service, like with Buses and Trains. Everyone has equal access.

WhiteBike is a system that was set up as a perk for transplants and yuppies for living in certain neighborhoods.

Its insulting to call it a city transit system

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