Sunday, March 9, 2014

Church will be pissed on for 6 more months

From the Daily News:

Five city bus routes will be adjusted in downtown Flushing, in response to complaints about the drivers who regularly relieve themselves on the side of St. George’s Episcopal Church.

The changes — to take effect in September though they were announced in January — were barely enough to appease parishioners, who still have to endure three bus stops directly in front of the church entrance along with the prospect of six more urine-stained months.


Peter May said...

I see Ron Kim over there in that picture. Where's Ron Kim when it comes to our express bus routes in Whitestone. I am upset to know while Ron Kim pays attention to his Flushing constituents, he does not pay attention to his Whitestone constituents who want to see their express bus improved.

Anonymous said...

Now this is where a gun would come in handy. I would love to see pix of a minister shooting a bus driver (maiming, mind you - not killing) for pissing on his church.

Why doesn't the MTA provide the drivers with adequate breaks near restrooms? Or does it and these guys are just pigs.

They should be identified and fired. There's plenty more out there looking for jobs.

Peter May said...

Anon 1,

Most bus drivers are low life scum. All they do is look at porn or check out girls when they are not driving a bus.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...Most bus drivers are low life scum. All they do is look at porn or check out girls when they are not driving a bus.
How do you know that ? You are denouncing hundreds of workers without any respect because you post on this blog concealed behind your keyboard !

Peter May said...

@anon 2: my neighbor is a bus driver and he tells me about the trade all the time.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 2: The MTA does that, and gives them a whole list of available bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

When I worshipped there, the bus noise (and fumes) was only one of the problems. The planes landing at LaGuardia fly directly over the church, and they were so low that you felt like the stewardess was going to be walking down the middle aisle of the church.

Peter May said...

@anon 4; yet these lowlife turds still pee on the church and if not on a church on the buses themselves. I have heard of express bus drivers even peeing on the regular seats of express bus passengers they don't like knowing the express bus passengers sit in the same seats.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps one of the so highly offended contributors to this site should take a camera and record the pissing and the pissers and turn it over to the local authorities or press.

But it's so much easier to complain than actually do something.

Anonymous said...

Glad they rebuilt the spire wrecked by tornado. Still, the color don;t match.

Peter May said...

Still Ron Kim does nothing for Whitestone and does nothing for the White people in his district. Look at his laziness when it comes to express bus service that Whitestone residents depend on and the white parts of his district depend on

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