Sunday, March 2, 2014

Build It Back having major issues

From the Queens Chronicle:

Kathryn Mallon, the head of the city’s problem-plagued Hurricane Sandy recovery program, Build it Back, abruptly resigned last week as residents’ frustration with the program she ran is reaching a peak.

Just this month, Mallon met with Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder (D-Rockaway Park) and civic leaders in his office to discuss issues with Build it Back, including changing the way people enrolled in the program are prioritized. Build it Back was also criticized for being slow to release funds.

For thousands of people in areas ravaged by Sandy on Oct. 29, 2012, including Howard Beach, Hamilton Beach and Broad Channel, Build it Back has not been helpful at all, instead becoming a source of frustration as the program is riddled with issues from missed appointments to lost paperwork to complaints about little to no communication about documentation needed to receive money under the program, and ill-informed staff.

Less than 2 percent of the $1.5 billion allocated to the program has been released, according to city records, and not one house has been fixed by the program since it was created last June.


Larry said...

this should be investigated by a judge,because the funsize mayor was deservedly jeered and cursed at when he showed up at rockaway.he may have sabotaged this program like that fat fuck christie and his minions sabotaged the gwb because that town's mayor wouldn't endorse him to enhance his presidential aspirations with a big bipartisan victory.

although,when michael stipe and all those actors were visiting rockaway and briefly helping out,maybe they could donated some more millions instead of leaving some art gallery tent there for a few months.

Anonymous said...

It's not an election year. Rockaway will have to wait another 4 years for the lying turds to come out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

They want all the fed money to stay with city to use for stuff they should have built years ago. The city does not want any of it to go to individual people, especially those who are not indigent.

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