Friday, March 7, 2014

Another one bites the dust

From the Politicker:

Assemblyman William Boyland Jr. has been convicted on federal corruption charges today, according to a spokesperson for U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch.

Mr. Boyland was convicted on all 21 counts accusing him of four schemes, including a top count of attempted extortion while serving as an elected official.

The Brownsville assemblyman, hailing from one of Brooklyn’s most prominent political families, was indicted on corruption charges previously but was found not guilty.

Now that Mr. Boyland has been convicted, he will be expelled from his chamber, and his seat will remain vacant until Gov. Andrew Cuomo calls a special election–which he has been reluctant to do–or until the next election. Multiple candidates have already declared their intentions to run for the seat.

Mr. Boyland was immediately taken into custody, according to the New York Post. The assemblyman faces up to the 30 years behind bars.


Anonymous said...

Keep them coming baby. Until the whole lot of them is tossed out into the gutter!

Anonymous said...

Another corrupt politician? Can it really be true?

Anonymous said...

This is racism! Why is it that only the African - American Assembly men and Senators are getting arrested?

Anonymous said...

Anon #3: You are funny!

J said...

can't wait for Malcolm Smith's conviction.

you skunks can run but you can't hide anymore

Anonymous said...

"This is racism! Why is it that only the African - American Assembly men and Senators are getting arrested?"
- - - - - - - - -
Not true. What about Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin and Senator Karl Kruger? they are not African-Americans, and they are now in jail.

Anonymous said...

It was a facetious comment!

Anonymous said...

more more more...there are plenty to keep the courts busy and the jails glad this crook finally got what he deserved

Anonymous said...

why are the commenters omitting the political label "DEMOCRAT", when writing on this site?

it is your once proud party that has been infiltrated by the socialist/communist engineers.

Anonymous said...

maybe it's cos the Republican scam artists have deeper pockets to pay everybody off and that's why more Democrats are being caught?

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