Thursday, March 6, 2014

5 Pointz asbestos removal commences

There was some activity at the 5 Pointz site yesterday. Apparently, they are in the middle of asbestos removal in preparation for the demolition. From what I understand, the operation has been shut down at least once already.
That's a long time to be removing asbestos.


Anonymous said...

Those sings have been up for a few weeks now.

Anonymous said...

No big deal. The real poison was already removed, when the Wolkoffs painted over the BS art and threw out the unemployable dimwits responsible for it.

Removing asbestos will be a cakewalk in comparison.

Anonymous said...

As much as the community of artists and people committed to the cause tried their best, things associated with 5 pointz news is old news.

Anonymous said...

Real poison removed? enjoy the cancer cluster that is coming. anyone for mesothelioma? UR an asswipe!

Anonymous said...

Next time you ride the number 7 train breath in deep...all of those damaging asbestos fibers into your lungs
You might be coughing up some blood 10 years down the line.

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