Monday, February 17, 2014

Today is not about every president

From George the Atheist's blog:

Here is the actual copy of the so-called Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968 and . . .

. . . please note it clearly states that the third Monday in February is Washington's Birthday. Not a "Presidents/Presidents'/President's" Day as commercial interests and ignorant boobs have recently called it. [They can't even get the existence and placement of the apostrophe in their misnomer correct!]

So Publisher/Editor Tony Barsamian of the Queens Gazette, you have contributed to the denigration of the Father of Our Country, the Great Washington, for which this Monday's holiday is dedicated. You are grievously mistaken that we are to commemorate every Tom, Dick, and Harry President that has come down the pike.


Kevin Walsh said...

Didn't I hear DeBlasio wanted to open the schools today after he heard that Presidents' Day also honored Nixon, Reagan and the Bishes?

Anonymous said...

I believe it's Chevy that is running a car commercial honoring Teddy Roosevelt! A first,

J said...

who remembers lincoln's birthday being a holiday here.Considering how MLK is a work holiday,its absurd how the feds got rid of the holiday dedicated to the man who freed the slaves.

Anonymous said...

NY used to have two holidays in February, Lincoln's and Washington's. They were combined into one President's Day holiday, the other holiday became Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebrated in January.

Anonymous said...

CUNY schools do in fact continue to honor Lincoln's birthday as a seperate holiday. Good for them! That is the only closing I heard of last week though.

Anonymous said...

Where I work you're given a choice you can take a day on MLK's Birthday or a day on "Presidents Day" not both. Most employees take Presidents day...

Anonymous said...

All courts get off for Lincoln's birthday and presidents day.

Queens Crapper said...

There has never been an annual Federal holiday honoring Lincoln.

It is a holiday in New York State and other states.

John from Conn said...

That Devil Lincoln is by far the worst President in History! He deserves NO RECOGNITION!! Lincoln is a Monster for invading the South and Killing 750,000 Americans...A true Statesman would have made "peaceful emancipation" a mission (like every other country in the western world had done that ended slavery peacefully up to that time), instead he worked on the Black Codes in Illinois that banned free blacks from moving there and stripping them of most rights. He wanted Blacks out of the country and didn't want them taking the white man's jobs. In 1848 Lincoln supported an amendment to the Illinois constitution that prohibited the immigration of blacks into the state. In 1853 the Illinois Black Code WAS extended to a "complete prohibition" against black immigration into the state! Lincoln supported a myriad laws and regulations in his career in Illinois that deprived the small number of free blacks in the state of any semblance of citizenship....During the War of Northern Aggression, he and his generals are also monsters for changing for the first time in history the rules of war and targeting civilians and condoning the destruction and burning of their property.....Also, Karl Marx and Adolph Hitler, were big fans of Dishonest Abe and his centralizing techniques. Marx was a actual adoring correspondent of Abe's! (Look it up!)...The Communist Party USA put up big posters of Lincoln for their Lincoln/Lenin Day rallies in the early 1920's. The Socialist Abraham Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War loved him too!!

Without the over powering centralized government Lincoln and the "Radical" Republicans created with his illegal war...Marxism, Socialism, Communism, or Obamunism could never have taken hold as they have. The Founding Fathers believed in a decentralized "voluntary" Republic of sovereign States! A true Confederated Commonwealth!! Not a coerced union held together by force and murder!

ron s said...

To John from Conn:
Nice convoluted political garbage to defend ownership of other people.

J said...

ron-very bold too

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