Thursday, January 2, 2014

Quinn seems to think she's still relevant

From Capital New York:

Christine Quinn's political battle with Bill de Blasio has continued into the speaker's race.

The outgoing City Council speaker has quietly pushed the candidacy of several potential successors, in an effort to block Melissa Mark-Viverito from succeeding her, three sources close to the process told Capital.

Mark-Viverito claimed victory in the race earlier this month, when she unveiled the backing of 30 members, more than the 26 needed to win the race, after de Blasio reportedly intervened to sway some members to her side.

Quinn and her allies, who are also close to the Queens Democratic organization that opposes Mark-Viverito, have been pushing members to instead back the candidacy of Manhattan Democrat Dan Garodnick, sources said.

"I had a conversation with her where she was absolutely discouraging Melissa," said one member, who requested anonymity.

The member added that Quinn's closest advisors "were explicit in trashing me, and telling me by supporting [Mark-Viverito] I was not in a good place, I would not be in a good place."

The interactions took place as recently as the last Council meeting on Dec. 19.

"The Queens-Quinn machine is losing and is losing badly, and they definitely sort of let it be known that you were not on the team if you were for Melissa and those of us who indicated support for Melissa heard about it in various ways, some subtle, some not," the member added. "I think (Quinn) would've preferred anybody but Melissa."


Kurtlove666 said...

Good. I don;t care who takes her place, I just want her out of her position. And politics entirely, if possible. Since taking office, all she seems to have done is push her own personal beliefs and agenda and take away the rights of the majority of citizens of NY. I didn't forget those shady deals she was accused of a few years ago(and admitted to, albeit with the "I didn't know!" clause...) and the sooner she is gone, the better.

Anonymous said...

It's tough to let go of the reins of power, especially when you're as incompetent as she was...

Anonymous said...

She's be as relevant as her predecessor Gifford Miller was after he left office.

Anonymous said...

She is the ultimate cunt. She gives lesbians a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish! She was a horror show. So happy she's a goner.

Anonymous said...

I love term limits. Let's get them into the state and for the Congress.

Anonymous said...

Hey, if she can sway a few votes and block Melissa Mark-Viverito, it would probably be the best thing she did in 12 years.

J said...

If possible,in order to prevent impropriety by the speaker,the Blaz could transfer most of the duties to the public advocate,since that position has gained more status because of his victory and the immediate impact of Letitia James at the second swearing in.

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