Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Parkway Hospital looks like hell

"NYS Pavilion is in ruins, Civic Virtue is exiled, legal graffiti at 5 Pointz is gone, and a bear is humping a man at Socrates Sculpture Park. But here's some abstract expressionism I spotted earlier today at the Parkway Hospital site.

See, there's still art in Queens to be found."

- anonymous


Anonymous said...

You should see the other side of the building. It looks like 5 Pointz reincarnated. Our political leaders have yet to do a thing about it...

Anonymous said...

I believe the site will be auctioned this month.

Anonymous said...

Coming Soon... gigantic mansion paid for with completely legitimate after tax money (wink wink), because apparently no one at the FBI speaks whatever language Bukharians use....

Anonymous said...

There's a $15 million lien against this property? Geez.

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