Monday, January 6, 2014

Melissa has made tweeding into to an artform

From the NY Post:

Many activists interviewed by The Post said they feared what would happen if Mark-Viverito headed the council — claiming that advocates who stand up to her are often blacklisted.

The lefty lawmaker was the first council member to support the bid of Mayor de Blasio, who in return has been pushing her for speaker.

“It’s too much power to put in her hands,” said Jo Ann Lawson, who claims Mark-Viverito booted her from the community board in March 2013 after 10 years of service in order to add more Latino members.

Lawson said Mark-Viverito would often call board members and tell them how to vote.

Neighborhood resentment deepened in 2012, after the lawmaker helped cancel a city contract held by a Puerto Rican nonprofit for 20 years for the Leonard Covello Senior Center — giving it to an Upper East Side group.

While the wealthy councilwoman donned “99%” T-shirts during Occupy Wall Street protests, she’s come under fire for taking advantage of tax breaks reserved for the poor.

The Puerto Rico-born politician, the daughter of a rich hospital administrator, owns $1.5 million in real estate. Yet she obtained an interest-free loan under a city program to help low-income people buy homes.

Still, Mark-Viverito lavishes money on supporters, giving $65,000 in the past two years to low-income advocates Community Voices Heard and helping to push $160,000 in council funds to Picture the Homeless, run by her ally Lynn Lewis, according to budget data.

Franklin Plaza, a 1,632-unit co-op, received a $1-million grant from Mark-Viverito. The board posted flyers requesting residents re-elect her.


Anonymous said...

That face. Those eyebrows . She looks so evil.

Anonymous said...

She does look evil. All that money can't buy happiness or beauty. Shame on DeBlasio for supporting her. May her bad doings be brought to light very soon.

Anonymous said...

"owns $1.5 million in real estate. Yet she obtained an interest-free loan under a city program to help low-income people buy homes."

How did she do that?

Anonymous said...

More corruption in the world of the government....who would've guessed? Nyc is a ticking time bomb.....detroit, here we come!

Anonymous said...

Well you guys in Crappyland are going to have come to a decision here:

Either you are against Crowley and his machine and support this lady or are in favor of Crowley and his machine and support HIS puppet... and accept all the baggage from THAT direction.

J said...

she does resemble an ogre

actually judging by her ethics she resembles gollum

speaker powers are so precious

The blaz will go out of his way to support this person,this should make even "progressives" nervous.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I read the Post article about her.

Sounds like the ways pols in western Queens treat their constituents.

What is the big deal?

What ticks off Manhattanites is business as usual in Queens.

Welcome to our world, NYC!

Anonymous said...

Given the amount of coverage she is getting before she even takes office, this will NEVER stop by the press. Now they will have to kill her. Anyone supporting her better have either a Plan B or some kind of long term strategy cause I don't think she lasts long as Speaker if she gets elected.

PS I think she doesn't get elected on Wednesday. Folks should be looking for a compromise candidate.

Anonymous said...

Another bad DeBlasio decision. This slimeball will never make it through his first term.

He's in the back pockets of the developers - just like Stinky Vallone!!! Corruption just oozes out of both of them!!!

All three of them - don't forget about this stupid bitch. Just wait - she'll fuck up really soon. She seems like one of those people that thinks they're a lot smarter than they really are - actually - that's most of dumbed-down America!!!!

Anonymous said...

Watching her and Bill fight for control of the city will make for an amusing eight years.

Anonymous said...

This lady is a piker after Chissy Quinn.

Political operatives must be shelling out a fortune to tar her.

The Queens machine must we howling holy hell that they are losing.

Deke DaSilva said...

I don't think I've seen an attractive looking woman on the Left EVER!!!!!

It makes sense that "looks-challenged" women gravitate towards "progressive" politics!!!

Anonymous said... my pops would say,"there's a face that would stop an eight day clock"

Phillip Marlowe said...

Lauren Bacall, Deke.

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