Saturday, January 4, 2014

Mark-Viverito pushed for zoning change for donor

From the NY Times:

If she becomes, as appears likely, the next speaker of the New York City Council, Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito of East Harlem has vowed to listen to all groups, treat everyone fairly and be a paragon of transparency.

Yet some community leaders contend that she displayed few of those traits when she rammed through an unexpected, last-minute zoning change supported by her staunch ally, the 1199 S.E.I.U. health care workers union.

The dispute centered on a bid by Jewish Home Lifecare, a nonprofit operator of nursing homes in the region, to demolish existing buildings on its 106th Street campus and replace them with two new structures — a new nursing home and a residential tower.

Proceeds from the tower would have let the nonprofit, then known as Jewish Home and Hospital, upgrade its aging facilities and care for a clientele that is mostly elderly minorities on Medicaid.

But no one — not the community, not Ms. Mark-Viverito or other officials — knew about Jewish Home’s plan until late in the planning process.

As it turned out, the community had long been wrestling with a major rezoning of the Upper West Side, from 97th Street to 110th Street, spurred by a desire to restrict the heights of new buildings after two 38-story towers sprouted along Broadway.

For more than two years, residents and officials sparred over height restrictions and other zoning details before coming to a consensus in mid-2007. The plan was approved 38-0 by Community Board 7.

But then, after residents learned about the Jewish Home proposal, Ms. Mark-Viverito surprised them by, in many people’s view, strongly advocating the project.

“I was blindsided,” said Sheldon J. Fine, who was chairman of Community Board 7 at the time. “Her focus was not a conciliatory one.”

In an interview, Ms. Mark-Viverito vigorously defended her role in the process, saying she had wanted to hammer out a compromise.

Before 2007, very few, if any, trustees or people affiliated with Jewish Home donated to her City Council campaign. But after she injected herself in the dispute, she received more than $8,300 from people associated with Jewish Home — more than 10 percent of her $81,000 fund-raising total for the 2009 election. She also reported just one bundler of donations, a Jewish Home trustee, according to Campaign Finance Board records.

“I never do anything with the expectation that I’m going to get any contributions,” Ms. Mark-Viverito said. “My goal is to listen to all sides and figure out what would be in the best of interests of the community."

Mr. Geto said that Ms. Mark-Viverito had solicited the 2009 contributions, and that he had advised the nursing home to give, “because she’s been constructive.”

Ah, tweeding.


Anonymous said...

Just watch - she and the greaseball DeBlasio will be shown to be just as corrupt as Bloomberg.

Anonymous said...

Of course they will be. "Progressive" and "conservative" are stupid labels people get hung up on, but underneath they are all the same.

Anonymous said...

"they are all the same" - Anon 2

Oh you better believe it. These people are criminal minded but not enough to become a murderer, car thief, bank robber (although.....) drug dealer etc...

At least you know, to some extent, that a street criminal is out to get you, yet you fall for the politician EVERYTIME by voting for them. Goes the same for law enforcement, judges, corrections officers etc..

Politicians are "people" too and people are FUCKED UP creatures.

How is "HONEST" (GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE) Joe Crowley living in VA ?

Anonymous said...

“I never do anything with the expectation that I’m going to get any contributions.”

Ms. Mark-Viverito, like the others, fails to see that order of the exchange and the promise is not relevant. It's not recuse herself entirely that is the problem.

J said...

anon 2:exactly,as Obama and W before him,its all about familiarity and marketing.

I suggest a new party:
The Cynical Party,that way every candidate will be scrutinized and vetted thoroughly.It will be a long process since each person may face skepticism and yelling if they leave out certain tweeding.

Because the dems and reps no longer have credibility and will always disappoint

there is going to be a day when no one is going to vote,since the majority are willing to give up their constitutional rights for illusions of security and convenience.

Snake Plissskin said...

And this is news?

This is the way the city politics have been run for, oh 150 years or so.

There is nothing here. Move on people.

ron s said...

Sleazebag alert! Clearly she needs to be watched every millisecond for 4 years.

Ned said...

Stupid NYC voters will are sure gonna get what they deserve.
This power of this woman combined with the new Marxist mayor is going to be the worst disaster in New York City's history.

Anonymous said...

They are all the same! If there is even a hint of money interests they shoul niot be elected. Try to tell the sheep!

Anonymous said...

Stupid NYC voters will are sure gonna get what they deserve.
This power of this woman combined with the new Marxist mayor is going to be the worst disaster in New York City's history.

Tell this to the displaced people in Dutch Kills and Hunters Point.

.. and they will tell you about Bloomturd.

Anonymous said...

One thing I know, whatever Fugazio's rhetoric, Wall Street banksters will make out just fine, as always, cause money talks and Fugazio walks.

Anonymous said...

"I never do anything with the expectation that I’m going to get any contributions,”

I call bullshit, everything EVERY politician does is to assure they get donations

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