Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Johnny still hanging around

From The Politicker:

He’s out of office, no longer running for election, and supposed to be weighing jobs in the private sector, but that isn’t enough to stop ex-comptroller and unsuccessful mayoral candidate John Liu from ending his perennial politicking.

Indeed, Mr. Liu, who was known to log a dozen stops across the five boroughs during an ordinary day, seems to be having trouble giving up the trappings of elected office, continuing his break-neck schedule of events even after his term as comptroller ended on December 31.

On Friday evening, Politicker spotted Mr. Liu, now back from a family vacation in California, attending a swearing-in ceremony for Brooklyn Councilwoman Inez Barron. Mr. Liu, who was greeted warmly by those in attendance, was joined by a longtime campaign aide who insisted she was off the clock and simply volunteering for Mr. Liu.

Over the weekend, Mr. Liu was off again on a four-borough tour–relayed to reporters by an emailed public schedule he has continued to release via his campaign address “press@liunewyork.com”–also compiled by the same loyal aide.

“I’m not going to have a public schedule everyday. But we’ll have one this weekend, really not much during the weekdays, but evenings and weekends,” Mr. Liu told Politicker Friday when asked about his peculiar post-election schedule.


Anonymous said...

Go jump in the east river, John...and take your trashy corrupt family with you!

ron s said...

Maybe he is looking to raise money to pay his still unpaid fines.........

BTW-what happened with those fines (from not cleaning up after election)?

Anonymous said...

Johnny, Go move in with your friend in North Korea.

Anonymous said...

If I were Grace Meng, I'd be watching my back.

Anonymous said...

Once a crook, always a crook...

Anonymous said...

Johnny, Go move in with your friend in North Korea.

I don't think being a small fish in a big pond would be attractive to Johnny. Several people are waiting for Richard Brown to retire as Queens DA, so that might create a domino effect if someone leaves their elected position to take that job.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, his cousin, Alice Huang can create a position for him.

He could work on their aborted construction projects to get them back "up and running". A Jane Jane Liu was listed on one of their DOB projects? Who might that be?

It is business as usual for the Huangs.

Are there no deterrents for the Huangs?

Anonymous said...

rumor is that liu will be managing the nearly opened Asian day care center at 196-29 42 ave(F.lewis blvd) in auburnadale

he and koo are the campaign fund receivers from their former landlords in main swatch for the traffic jams ,similar to Ft. Lee,(G.W.B)

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