Sunday, January 5, 2014

Courier's "Man of the Year" is controversial developer

The Queens Courier presents our Man of the Year, Joseph M. Mattone Sr.: founder, father, philanthropist. Testimonials from Mario Cuomo and Bruce Ratner are contained within.

Interestingly, there's no mention of this.

Or this.

Or this.


Anonymous said...

This goon is typical of Queens developers in the latter half of the 20th century to the present. At one time, the people who built within communities did so with care and pride because they knew it would be part of their legacy and they envisioned generations of their families residing there. Now they slap any old crap together and get away with murder while living comfortably elsewhere. The fact that politicians and local papers fawn over people like this is quite telling.

Anonymous said...

Developers also used to be actively involved in civic affairs, now the ones that want accolades throw written-off money at charities and get the red carpet rolled out for them. We get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

This guy is the personification of greed together with the equally greedy and sell out publisher of the Courier.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a dirtbag, Mattone the biggest overdeveloper of Queens.

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