Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Child dies in New Year's fire

From the NY Post:

A raging home fire killed a seven-year-old boy in Queens on Wednesday morning, police sources said.

The blaze began in a fireplace at the East Elmhurst home, on 90th Street near 31st Avenue streets, then grew out of control at around 9 a.m., fire department officials said.

The boy’s 13-year-old brother suffered second degree burns and was rushed to Cornell Hospital, according to cops.

Bars on the windows of the home may have caused the boys to be trapped inside, police sources said.



Anonymous said...

You are completely wrong about this fire.
shame on you creeper/crapper.

Anonymous said...

We see this all the time - so why don't our elected officials?

How about some editorials from the Queens weeklies.

Instead of bellyaching about some city agency that we cannot do anything about, why don't we go after those who are directly responsible and can do something?

I mean, hell, a developer wants a stop sign and you get enough pols that you can pass legislation and media coverage that merits a front page headline.

Only if Queens Civic Congress can tear themselves away from tree pruning to demand an end to this we might take them seriously too.

Anonymous said...

Posting a link to outdated, closed DoB complaints is not helpful.

Anonymous said...

The complaint is not officially closed. The owner of the house was left a notice to call to make an appt to have the place inspected. They choose not to, most likely to hide the fact that they illegally converted the building and carved it up into SROs. Illegal conversions generally are firetraps.

Anonymous said...

Queens Courier: "The FDNY said the fireplace didn’t have a spark screen and there were no working smoke detectors in the house."

Anonymous said...

According to the Daily News, it looks like grandpa was living in the basement. Except there isn't a basement, there's a cellar. And the parents were "at a New Year's Eve party". The fire happened at 9am...

Anonymous said...

Anon #1,

Shame on Crapper for what? DoB Complaint was closed because it could not be followed through on doesn't mean it was dismissed. What info do YOU have?

Anonymous said...

Saw this on the news - they didn't even mention how many lived in the house.

TV news is obsolete and clueless - or there's an agenda specified by the bosses, paid for by the advertisers.

Joe Moretti said...

The majority of fires in Queens usually happen with these illegal conversions and to this day the city still is not really addressing this very major problem.

Anonymous said...

tell me that an illegal immigrant owns this house. they don't feel that laws and housing codes apply to them.

am sorry to hear that a child died. sue the owner and the City of NY

Anonymous said...

This story will repeat it's self over and over again.
A tale of two cities where the poor are subject to unsafe living conditions while the City and rich land owners cultivate these unsafe living conditions and make more & more money off the lives of the working poor.

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