Friday, January 10, 2014

Abbracciamento's will close March 2nd

From Brownstoner Queens:

This news just in from Project Woodhaven’s Twitter: the restaurant Joe Abbracciamento at 62-96 Woodhaven Boulevard will close on March 2nd. The Rego Park restaurant serves Italian food and has mostly good reviews on Yelp. According to Project Woodhaven, Joe Abbracciamento is closing because the owners are retiring.


Anonymous said...

They should restore it back to its original form, a movie theater.

Anonymous said...

Where will the local political operatives dine? There's still Shalimar.

Anonymous said...

Political operatives DINE? Have you ever been near them when they feed, they make pigs at a trough seem mannered, oh wait, they ARE pigs at a trough...

Anonymous said...

Can you have fund raisers at Shalimar? Chuckle. chuckle.

Tony Marine said...

I've been hearing rumors that the entire block has already been sold and condos are going up!! Any truth to this? Not sad to lose the restaurant as much as the loss of the Drake theater. And god knows how awful it will look no matter what they build. Can it be stopped??

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