Sunday, December 8, 2013

Precincts no longer allowed to release info

From DNA Info:

The NYPD has ordered the city's 77 police precincts to stop giving out any information to the media about crimes taking place in their neighborhoods, cutting off a long-standing source of information for New Yorkers.

According to a terse NYPD edict transmitted citywide, precinct commanders were instructed: “Any requests by media to view complaint reports be referred to the office of the Deputy Commissioner For Public Information.”

The NYPD's public information office, known as DCPI, typically disemminates only select major crimes such as murders, sexual assaults and grand larcenies, but often does not include lower level neighborhood crimes. Those complaints could traditionally be found at the precinct, a reliable source for information of interest for residents.

According to sources, the latest media restriction was sent last week to the precinct supervisors from their borough commanders, who received the transmission from the NYPD’s Chief of Patrol James Hall.


Anonymous said...

Is this happening because of the incoming "administration"?

Anonymous said...

you just have to trust your masters they are doing the right thing. no need to question them.

Anonymous said...

Kelly still gives the orders until January 1

Anonymous said...

What will they do in the 66 and 112 Precincts, where the Community Councils and/or Hatzolah run the Precincts?

kingofnycabbies said...

Popeye Kelly throws a hissy fit on his way out the door. It would be stunning if new top cop Bratton let this stand.

Anonymous said...

Might be a good thing. NYC's cops are such dummies and thugs you really wouldn't want them speaking to the press.

I'm sure they get it wrong all the time and just release select info to further their own local and personal agendas.

IA should release reports to the press - those would be fun to read!

Anonymous said...

What is the rationale behind doing this? This is just weird. It doesn't make sense. When something weird like this happens all it does is raise additional questions.

If the NYPD desperately wants to keep something under wraps this is actually the worst way to go about doing so because... it looks weird.

Now, I and a bunch of other people are all paying attention. We're all wondering...

Why is this being done?

What exactly is someone trying to hide? (It must be really unbelievably scandalous to take such an extreme action at the very end of one person's tenure at a publicly funded institution.)

It's just too weird.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anon No. 1:

No, it's to allow the outgoing "administration" wants to keep cooking the books.

Anonymous said...

Anon -1:
What good that does?
Bloomie is off to Bermuda and will likely never come back to NYC.

Anonymous said...

It's another desperate attempt to polish the outgoing Mayor's crime-fighting legacy, which was built on phony PD reporting and statistics. Woe to the new administration, which is wont to report real crimes, not ones like those downgraded at the behest of Popeye Kelly and his diminutive master. The NY Post will feast at DeBlasio's flesh when the real CompStat numbers are reported next year.

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