Monday, December 2, 2013

Peeing bus drivers plague St. George's Church

From the Queens Chronicle:

After months of pleas for help, it looks like St. George’s Episcopal Church in Flushing will be getting some assistance soon from the MTA.

The historic church on Main Street has been complaining since last spring that bus drivers, primarily on 38th and 39th avenues, have been urinating on the walls of the facility and leaving garbage from their meals on its sidewalks.

In addition, because of a bus stop in front of the church on Main Street, elderly or physically challenged parishioners are unable to be dropped off there.

The pastor, the Rev. Wilfredo Benitez, wrote to the MTA last May seeking relief from the situation. He noted that since 2002 buses on three sides of the church property have surrounded the parish.

“The bus stops were placed there in total disregard of our needs as a religious institution that has the right to worship unencumbered by government agencies,” Benitez wrote. “Can you imagine something like this in front of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Manhattan?”

At a Community Board 7 district cabinet meeting on Friday at the Queens Botanical Garden in Flushing, MTA spokesman Joe Raskin, said relief is on the way, although he would not go into specifics.

“We have come up with a plan to take the buses away from the church on the side streets,” Raskin said. “The bus operators’ behavior is intolerable to us and the church.”


Anonymous said...

MTA employees are some of the dirtiest scum on the earth. if not for their union protection, most would wind up homeless.

Anonymous said...

WTF - urinating in public???!!!!!

City workers are urinating in public! That should be grounds for immediate dismissal!

Alfredo C said...

I love how "relief is on the way" but they won't say how.

And the community board accepts that as an answer.

Sad state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

One of the problems is that there are not just bus stops by St. George's, I believe it's also the end/start of several routes, so that's where the bus drivers take their "breaks". So they park on 39th Ave, go outside to stretch (and apparently urinate), and eat their lunches. Hope they're not pooping in the graveyard.

Aside from the buses, the other problem plaguing St. George's when I went there (early 2000s) was the airplane noise. Try staying in a peaceful, contemplative mood when the planes fly directly over the church every few minutes, and when the buses 'belch' every few minutes. You can't hear yourself think, let alone hear the priest.

Anonymous said...

"relief is on the way"
- -- - - - - -
The MTA will give each driver a bag to pee in.

Anonymous said...

Setup some security cameras in the area.

Let's have some transparency when it comes to the public behavior of these MTA employees.

Coitus Sleezwa said...

Now that Melinda's going to be da Beep, me and the guys will be slammin' and jammin' dose knuckledraggin' creeps who are pissin' all overda choich. Deys gonna get a real attitude adjustment when weez trew wid dem. Ya know wad I mean?

Anonymous said...

Peeing on a church. What kind of people do this sort of thing. Pee in your damn bus.

Anonymous said...

Pee in your damn bus.

Or just walk over to one of the indoor malls and use the bathroom.

Anonymous said...

Community board 7 needs some relief of the tired ol' dirtbags on that board.

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe the MTA did not set something up for these drivers.

Anonymous said...

They are set up with a whole list of available rest rooms.

Anonymous said...

They are set up with a whole list of available rest rooms.

Then I wonder if they're too fat or too lazy (or both) to walk over to those authorized rest rooms.

Anonymous said...

That like going your 1caranymore.on God properties.shame on you..That is theMTA..

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