Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NYPD cracking down on beggars

From the NY Post:

The NYPD is cracking down on subway panhandlers — and sources said the initiative is taking precious manpower away from preventing iPhone thefts and shoving incidents, The Post has learned.

The department’s effort was launched shortly after a Post report that police were going easy on beggars.

Police arrested 71 panhandlers between Nov. 11 and 24, including a man who collected a paltry 43 cents from straphangers. Cops also gave out 37 panhandling summonses.

“It’s the season for giving, and apparently people are asking too frequently,” said one source.

Not everyone in the NYPD is happy about the crackdown. Some say that they want cops to focus on robbers and subway shovers over the holiday season.

“There are more important things we have to worry about, like people becoming the victim of a crime,” said a source.


Anonymous said...

"Police arrested 71 panhandlers between Nov. 11 and 24, including a man who collected a paltry 43 cents from straphangers. Cops also gave out 37 panhandling summonses.'

HA! Fines and summons for vagrants...and how many thousands of dollars each has this charade cost the City?

Another parting shot from "Little Caesar" and "Popeye".

Anonymous said...

How about cracking down on the Mercedes millionaires on food stamps and Medicaid in Flooshing?

Just this Sunday I again saw someone use food stamps at the Key Food in Whitestone with two (count 'em) babies in a pricy stroller get into an effin Mercedes!!!!!

But let's go after pathetic panhandlers instead of helping them!

Anonymous said...

Panhandlers need to be busted, especially the ones with children and infants on display. My taxes (maybe yours too?) pay for welfare, medicaid, social services, food stamps, free apartments/housing, etc. etc. etc. etc., for them, especially if they have kids. No, go right ahead and bust away, NYPD, and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Just this Sunday I again saw someone use food stamps at the Key Food in Whitestone with two (count 'em) babies in a pricy stroller get into an effin Mercedes!!!!!

I make no excuses for those who abuse the system, and I wish that they could be caught and punished. But remember that "poor" does not equal "homeless" or even "unemployed". There are many people who work hard and have low-wage jobs but still need assistance.

Anonymous said...

There is a well-organized racket that in the past has operated on the F line in Queens/Manhattan.
A woman (Bulgarian/Romanian?) gets on in Queens with a baby strapped to her chest, pleading for 'formula for the baby'. I watched her get off at W 4th and meet another woman - same set-up, for the trip back, laughing.
Passing the 9/11 info center on Vesey recently, spotted her sitting outside the entrance.
Using babies as props is pretty disgusting.

Trilby said...

Please crack down on the bums that make entire cars on the E line into their personal spaces/bathrooms.

Anonymous said...

How do you beg me for money for food, but yet you weigh more than me?

Anonymous said...

I hate those people who panhandle with their kids! In my mind, I am going "foodstamps, section 8, medicaid, oh my!" Yet they are still begging!
I especially hate the ones that don't speak any english and beg for money! I heard this one lady say "I have no family here, please help me"......So I wanted to say back to her "Then why don't you take your illegal ass back to mexico?"

Anonymous said...

Using babies as props is pretty disgusting.

These are gypsies, and they are everywhere in Europe. Once the kid is old enough to walk, he is taught to pickpocket, so while mom is begging, the kid is behind you lifting your wallet or purse.

Anonymous said...

They need to kick these bums off the train every morning like they used to - trying to commute these days is like riding slightly cleaner versions of the subways in the 80s. There are just as many, if not more homeless people riding now than in 'the bad old days'.

Anonymous said...

They need to kick these bums off the train every morning like they used to - trying to commute these days is like riding slightly cleaner versions of the subways in the 80s. There are just as many, if not more homeless people riding now than in 'the bad old days'.
We have had our best of times in this city. The days of proactive law enforcement are coming to an end. This incoming ultra liberal adminstration is about to destroy what little quality of life we NYC residents have left.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh! She should work for her money.

Anonymous said...

They should crack down on pan-handlers - there are multiple pitches on each train stop every day. So if a cop is watching out for phone snatchers and shovers - in between they can bust pan=handlers too!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that people actually give money to these phonies! I don't mind someone playing a song and asking for donations. I don't understand people people sitting on the ground begging for money and the fools who give them money.

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