Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Newsflash: Many politicians are crooks

From the NY Times:

A commission appointed by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo issued a stinging assessment of corruption in Albany on Monday, saying it had found evidence of probable wrongdoing and recommending sweeping changes to New York State’s elections, ethics and campaign finance laws.

The panel, which Mr. Cuomo appointed in July after a series of scandals involving members of the Legislature, described a political system in Albany where money is dominant and misconduct has become commonplace.

“The commission’s preliminary observation is that both the general state of our political system, and the way business is transacted within it, cry out urgently for reform,” the report found. “New York needs comprehensive reform to restore the public trust.”

The commission’s study offered a bleak picture of New York’s government. The commission said its investigation had found “deplorable conduct, some of it perfectly legal yet profoundly wrong; some of it potentially illegal,” and promised that some findings would be referred to law enforcement officials.

Without providing details, the panel said its investigation had turned up cases in which wealthy interests exchanged campaign contributions for legislation; legislators spent their campaign money on personal items like cigars and stereo equipment; and the Board of Elections abdicated its responsibility to enforce the election laws.



Anonymous said...

You mean it's NOT ok to use the innocent victims of the Newtown CT shootings on your flyers (take the money of the people who created the flyer) and then tell the public "I can't help it if others do that".

Anonymous said...

Does that mean we can redo CD 19 elections?

Anonymous said...

"Newsflash: Many politicians are crooks"
To quote Capt Louis Renault from the movie "Casablanca":
I am shocked,...shocked!

Anonymous said...

You want change? Priority number one: get rid of Sheldon Silver as Assembly Speaker. Corruption will never be rooted out as long as he remains.

Anonymous said...

Here is a typical example of right-wing logic: "You want change? Priority number one: get rid of Sheldon Silver as Assembly Speaker. Corruption will never be rooted out as long as he remains"

So, while this idiot contends that a Democrat is the greatest cause of corruption, it is the republicans who are the single entity waging the battle to oppose reform....Reforms proposed by a democrat Governor.

Anonymous said...

So, while this idiot contends that a Democrat is the greatest cause of corruption, it is the republicans who are the single entity waging the battle to oppose reform.

Sorry, you should get your facts straight - Silver and the Democrat-controlled Assembly were the first to hire outside counsel to oppose the Governor's reform efforts. I have no problem with the Democrats controlling the Assembly - but Silver has to go.

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