Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Is Flake hiding his income?

From the NY Post:

Did the Rev. Floyd Flake take a vow of poverty, or is he hiding his income?

The head of the Greater Allen Cathedral, one of the nation’s largest churches, reported earning nothing from the Queens house of worship on a recent tax filing.

It was the second year that tax filings from Flake’s nonprofit Empowerment Ministries disclosed no salary for him from the Jamaica church, where he is senior pastor.

His wife, Elaine, co-pastor of the church and vice president of the nonprofit, also showed no church income on the 2012 and 2011 filings.

But in 2010, the church paid Flake $252,719 in salary and benefits and his wife’s compensation came to $250,455, according to Empowerment Ministries’ tax filings for that year.

Flake, a former congressman, is president of Empowerment Ministries.

He signed the 2012 tax return for the group. Elaine did so for 2011.

He and Elaine were each paid $5,000 for their work at the charity in 2012.

Even though it is linked to a church, Empowerment Ministries is obligated to report the Flakes’ salaries, tax experts say.

Michael Chitwood, the group’s accountant, said he was waiting to see the church’s delayed 2012 financial statements and would amend the group’s return if necessary.


Anonymous said...

This so called man of the cloth stole $millions from US taxpayers to build his church empire while he did a short stint in Congress over 20 years ago. His title as Congressman allowed him to work out a plan to funnel $millions into his own hands to build his church. that was his only reason he ran for Congress...his modus operandi. Nobody said anything then and now this guy is still benefiting at taxpayers cost. Send this crook to jail already...he is corrupt as corrupt can be,

Joe Moretti said...

Flake is one of the biggest crooks and scam artists in Jamaica, hiding behind the "Lord". Although he has done some good for the community, it was more than likely to cover up all the bullshit that this despicable individual has done.

In 1990, Flake and his wife were indicted for alleged fraud and embezzlement of church funds. The couple pled not guilty. The case was eventually dismissed, but makes you wonder.

Anonymous said...

There's a spot in Hell for him...

Anonymous said...

His investment in the Aqueduct Casino are providing him with solid returns.

He gets the green from parishioners one way or another.

Anonymous said...

What an appropriate name for the flaky rev!

Anonymous said...

I believe he had Congress approve $20 million to build his AME church back in the '90s. But it was under the title of "educational project for inner cities"
No one questioned it nor has anyone investigated it since.
Joe, did you know about this?

Joe Moretti said...

ANON stated:

I believe he had Congress approve $20 million to build his AME church back in the '90s. But it was under the title of "educational project for inner cities"
No one questioned it nor has anyone investigated it since.
Joe, did you know about this?

Not aware of this, but would not be surprised if it is true, this is one majorly shady character, but what religious leader who makes tons of money isn't. Goes totally against the teaching of Jesus Christ.

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