Thursday, December 19, 2013

Forest Park to get cameras

From the Queens Courier:

Criminals should say cheese before they commit a crime in Forest Park.

State Assemblymember Mike Miller, who represents the park, allocated $250,000 for more than a dozen cameras inside the park, and received permission from the NYPD on Monday to have the devices installed within the next few months, following a string of sexual assaults in the green space.

“I think it will be extremely helpful in being a deterrent to crime,” Miller said. “If somebody thinks of doing something there, and they see the camera, they will think twice before committing a crime.”

Miller said they haven’t decided the exact locations of where the cameras will be placed in the park, but he wants to put them in entrances and areas where many people gather, such as Victory Field.

There will be a total of seven $35,000 units with two cameras on each, for a total of 14 cameras. Miller hopes installing the devices will not only be a crime deterrent, but will also help the NYPD identify suspects.

1) Entrances and areas where many people gather are not where crimes are happening.
2) Without adequate lighting, the cameras might as well be turned off.


Anonymous said...

That's not where the crime is occurring, but cameras at those locations are likely to record perpetrators as they are entering or exiting the park. Footage doesn't need to capture the crime in order to capture the suspect.

J said...

cameras do not deter crime yet hundreds of thousands,no millions,no billions of dollars are pissed away on them.

there are many examples of this,but I can name a few that stick out.the assassination of Jam Master Jay in a jamaica recording studio and recently the carjack at the upscale short hills mall.

forest park is virtually a black hole when the sun goes down,Miller has to get the lights to stay on longer.

Anonymous said...

Do Central Park or Flushing Meadows Park have cameras?
Theres a reason for that.

Anonymous said...

Those cameras look to be solar powered. won't work at night or on cloudy days. :~)

Anonymous said...

You do not understand.

You want light, go out and buy a lightpole and put it in your backyard.

Someone's brother-in-law is getting a contract.

That what happens when country, er, political thugs, control public tax money and our communities' futures.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the lighting conditions are poor, but don't all city parks officially close at sundown?

Queens Crapper said...

Not all do. Some are open until 9pm. In this case, the lighting problem is happening in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Maybe women shouldn't go into parks alone after dark. Now criticize my sexist views.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if people we're running in the park at dusk or dawn, there wouldn't be a problem.

Anonymous said...

Enforce laws already on the books by deporting ALL Illegal immigrants.
Sex crime and alcohol related problems will drop like a rock.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 8:

OK. Here you go. That's stupid. Anyone should be abole to go whereever they want without fear of being assaulted. And men get assaulted as well.

Anonymous said...

No one ever said they would provide wiring, just cameras. This is New York! You should grow up!

-Ned said...

Straightforward no BS solution:
Stop this pinko nanny bullshit and Permit law abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms.

Street crime & assault comes to a standstill when criminals cant tell who's packing and who's not. New York's "Summer of Sam" was the ultimate validation of this hypothesis shared by millions of people, Jimmy Breslins media and the cops over 32 years ago.

Good enough for them Good enough for Queens !


-Ned said...

"shouldn't go into parks alone after dark"
Wrong :
Law abiding good people should never be made the prisoners in their own homes, backyard's, parks or city's.
This is something that should NEVER be nonnegotiable case closed !!


Anonymous said...

Regarding my comment about women and the responses about how people "should" be able to go where they want:

There's the world that should be and the world that is. Which one do you live in?

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 15: One in which people don't make idiotic sexist comments.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon No.8 and 15. Nothing sexist about it. If there is a legitimate threat to your safety in a certain area, then one should exercise extreme caution and take measures to protect themselves. One of the reasonable measures to consider is to avoid that area until the police address the issue and make it safe again. Getting offended and asserting your right to travel freely does nothing to make you safer. You have the right to walk through the park alone anytime you want. Just be ready and willing to face the conseqences without blaming anyone but yourself for your foolish decision.

Anonymous said...

How about hiring back some of those 6000 cops that are gone...........

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