Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bear Eats Man has been altered

Contributor George the Atheist received a response to the open letter he sent to Parks Commissioner Veronica White about "Bear Eats Man" at Socrates Sculpture Park:
It's hard to believe that the property owner, the Parks Dept, has no jurisdiction over what is placed on its own property.

A barely noticeable sign now warns visitors that there is a depiction of a "nude male" inside the park. (But not what is happening to the nude man's rear.)

Egad! The nude man has been vandalized!


Anonymous said...

I knew they would find a proper use for this piece of Crap they call art! LOL...Nice Pic's George. Can you believe the size of the fine print on that "warning sign!?!?" (Just covering their legal azzes.) How sad! How many parents, guardians, or teachers have missed that sign?....How many poor kiddies have quickly turned that corner only to get their eyes poked out? I wonder if any Lefty teachers have thought about taking a field trip to the park to give interactive SEX ED classes....

Anonymous said...

Is this really so bad? The guy looks happy enough.

Anonymous said...

"NYC Parks is not responsible for...the artistic content of the installations."

Really? Where's that written? Seems like a classic case of buck passing.

Anonymous said...

The nude man looks like Lou Reed's depiction on the " transformer"' album cover. I wonder if this statue is meant to evoke that era, 1970's New York. That would be very fitting, considering Lou having just passed away and DeBlasio being elected.

Anonymous said...

I'll be keeping out of that park for sure. This is sure to attract pervs - like the one who created it - and like the ones who ok'd it for public display. Knowing that children frequent the park is most disturbing to me - Socrates Park should just put up a sign saying "child molesters welcome". . .

Joe Moretti said...

Come on folks, get over it, some of you are really reaching here. "Child molesters", where is that coming from. Some of you obviously know nothing of child molesters who tend to just blend in society and not make themselves known. Many child molesters tend to be a family member, the nice next door neighbor, priests, etc. I doubt that child molesters would be hanging out in this park.

The park is sure to attract pervs", please another where is that coming from. Exactly how would this park attract "pervs", because of a nude piece of art work. Then I guess most of the museums in Italy or Greece attract "perverts".

Come on folks, get out of the Dark Ages and this puritanical thinking. Some of you would have fit very nicely in the "burning of witches" era.

Damn you are putting way too much thought in this. Hell, if grade school kids saw this, they would laugh and then start talking about the new video game. I never gave this art work much thought one way or another, but if some of you are putting that much thought into this, maybe you are the perverts.

Grow up please.

No offense George.

C.M. JVB said...

That's some bone he's got there!

Anonymous said...

Put a condom on him.

Anonymous said...

The so- called artist who threw this piece of crap together is the perv...sick and demented mind...

Anonymous said...

That's what passes for sculpture?

My 10 year old just brought home a nicer looking paper mache puppet that she made in art class.

Socrates Park is a 3rd rate boondoggle set aside to appease the angry Queens "art" community. this the best that culturally bereft Queens has to offer us?

I'm moving to Brooklyn as soon as I close on the sale of my condo.

Anonymous said...

Fair game...put a dildo up the bear's ass.

Anonymous said...

Not even taking the supposed subject matter into account, it's just bad art. Serves no purpose whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Lol, theres a site you dont see everyday- a male art project with a coat hanger on his erection! Lol.....I wanna see if I could hang a coat hanger on to his erection next time!

Anonymous said...

I cannot see how this sculpture would in any way attract child molesters. I would expect a child molester to seek out images of young children rather than a statue of a grown naked man being devoured by a bear.

If the artist' s goal was to provoke reaction, he/she sure did achieve that goal here.

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous # 13;

You better act soon then, we all are familiar with how during the dark ages the inquisition went all around Europe smashing the penises off of all of the ancient Roman and Greek statues they could find, in order to ' protect' you can cross the river and visit the Greco Roman galleries at the Metropolitan Museum to see their handy work till this very day. while I would not compare this work to Ancient Greek marble statuary, the sentiment behind many reactions to this piece mirror those of that time.

georgetheatheist said...

Luv ya, Joe Moretti - just Platonically, of course -but where do you come off telling some of the taxpayers that their PUBLIC money has to fund displays such as this? That their sensitivities are not to be considered? Even Socrates Park knows that there's something "amiss" or why did they put up the alert sign?

I've nothing against this so-called "sculpture" IF it was on private land. (You could even display there gilded buffalo chips for all I care.)

AND just what is this COMITY going on between the public Parks Department and the Socrates "artists coalition"? Just how does that work? Legally? Artistically?

"Puritanical thinking"? Dont you know, Joe, that there are "Puritans" in Queens? Whatsamatter? They can't also live in our vibrant "diverse" borough too?. They're excluded?

I guess only "liberal" sensitivies count among the elitists.

Davy Crockett (bear expert) said...

Anonym #2: the guy looks "happy"?

His eyes are bugging-out because he is being ursine anally raped.

Get a new pair of glasses.

Chester the Molester said...

Would someone please tell me where this park is located. Today's my day off.

Harry Hairspray said...

This just in:

Viewers. The rumor is out that the NYC Parks Department is putting out a new publication:

"Public Parks and Playgrounds for Perverts and Pedophiles"

In time for the Holidays.

Anonymous said...

These comments made me laugh out loud! Great posting!

I agree with Joe M.

Regarding Anon #1 - we do need more sex ed classes - then maybe we wouldn't lead the country in teenage pregnancies! We should be handing out condoms free at every school and fast food joint!

I can't believe that someone hasn't snapped the penis off!

Joe Moretti said...

Now if the issue here is this piece of artwork in a public park paid by tax payers money, I totally get that, does not bother me, but I still get it.

I get the being upset about the Parks Department and the Socrates "artists coalition". I still do not know what that is about.

These things are totally get.

What I don't get is the puritanical thinking and talk about child molesters and perverts, which this has absolutely nothing to do with anything including this art work.

The one person brought up a good point, how would this artwork attract child molesters, that does not even make any kind of sense.

I am just amazed how in this day and age people can get so uppity about a penis, something for all you God believing people (which I am not one of them) created.

I don't know, we live in a country that gets upset by the site of a penis on some artwork, but yet many still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911, that George Bush was a great president and more people could name every member of the Kardashian family but not the first 10 presidents of the US and think that the affordable health care act is a bad thing.

Go figure.

Anonymous said... are filled with a lot of opinion....Great....I find some of your opinion laughable though.

This has to do with what is right or proper for "public" land. It seems ironic that kids are more likely to see an "erect penis" than a "Christmas tree."

How about taking a poll of the local community and see what they think?

Joe, do you have any kids? If so how old?

Cotton Mather XIII, President of the Queens Chapter of the Puritan Liberation Front said...

..quoting the Anonyme:

These comments made me laugh out loud! Great posting!

I agree with Joe M.

Regarding Anon #1 - we do need more sex ed classes - then maybe we wouldn't lead the country in teenage pregnancies! We should be handing out condoms free at every school and fast food joint!

Verily shalt Thou not favour Condome Distribution in the Publick Schooles for it mightily upsets the Taxpayers. And verily shalt thou not display the Filthy Lusts of the Flesh in the Publick Commons for it synges thy Soules with Sodomistic Soote.

(And end Thy Laughing, out loud or within Thy Heart. Rather bend Thy Knee for Thy Salvation.)

Deke DaSilva said...

we live in a country that gets upset by the site of a penis on some artwork, but yet many still believe that Iraq had something to do with 911, that George Bush was a great president and more people could name every member of the Kardashian family but not the first 10 presidents of the US and think that the affordable health care act is a bad thing.

C'mon Joe, tell us a bit more about which side of the political spectrum you're on, and how you're SO much smarter than us Archie Bunkers!

Anonymous said...

Joe Moretti - it's not JUST A NUDE SCULPTURE is it? and yes, I agree with the other poster - it will attract perverts. please don't think you're a psych or a crime profiler 'cause you're not. You like the sculpture so much - hang out in the park - maybe you'll get "lucky".

Joe Moretti said...

Amazing some of the totally backward thinking on this. "It will attract perverts", exactly how will that happen. When did we digress so much in our thinking, it seems we are devolving, not evolving.

Anonymous said...

If we have the money to provide ten full time officers to protect Ray Kelley when he leaves office, at a cost of millions, then we can afford a round the clock police detail to guard this important statue and make certain no right wingers vandalize it by breaking its male member off.

georgetheatheist said...

" seems we are devolving, not evolving." - Joe Moretti

Joe, you hit the nail right on the head and you probably dont even know it!

Compare the evolutionary progessive male nude figure found here and also this evolutionary progressive male nude figure found here and then compare those to the devolutionary regressive male nude figure found here.

Joe, your comment was a brilliant summation of just what is going on with this "Bear Eats Man" business at the NYC Department of Parks' [?] Socrates Sculpture Park.

Love ya, man! (Platonically of course.)

georgetheatheist said...

Just curious. If someone unfortunately gets injured at Socrates Sculpture Park who do they sue? The NYC Department of Parks or the "artists' coalition" that manages the place? Answer that and it seems to me thereby lies the responsibility of displaying the artwork.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the coat hanger on the guy's schvantz is some kind of a pro-abortion statement?

Anonymous said...

I heard that this would be put on exhibit at the New Queens Museum (of Art). Should get a good turnout.

Anonymous said...

Don't discriminate against gay arst!

Anonymous said...

Joe is one of the few with any sense posting here. Most of the rest of you are unthinking puritanical scolds. Art is meant to provoke. Cities are crucibles for new ideas. If you don't like either go back to the suburbs and stop dragging down the enlightened rest of us with your silly witch hunts. Better yet: move to a theocracy in the Middle East.

Tracy said...

Honestly George the atheist, take an art history class. art can make people uncomfortable, and just because it does it should not be labeled as inappropriate nor viewed through a uniquely "moral" lens. This sculpture IS a work of art. it is not subject to whether you "like" it or deem it "appropriate". If you are going to complain about this piece, I suggest you make some time and start complaining about all the forms of perversion in the media, and every other visual form of "indecency" that yes.. even children are exposed to.

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