Friday, December 6, 2013

Are high rents driving out Murray Hill businesses?

"Murray Hill Plaza...Duane Reade closing...followed by 2 other stores...reason according to DR employee: 'landlord'. One other store is already gone." - The Flushing Phantom


Alan said...

Same thing at the Lindenvue Shopping Center on Parsons Blvd. Last week, without notice, the Whitestone Bakery suddenly closed its doors for the final time. I went into the shop on the last day and learned that the store is moving to Whitestone. I asked why they were leaving and it was the same answer...the landlord!

A short distance away, the Mitchell-Linden Library on Union Street moved to a new location 2 blocks south of the former storefront property. The Capital One Bank branch next door to the library also was closed in October. I asked the bank personnel why and got the same answer...THE LANDLORD!!! Also, there's no indication of future tenants to these properties.

Anonymous said...

It's a horrible, dirty little strip mall filled with crap Asian stores.

They're probably just going to expand the foul-smelling H-mart.

There are no supermarkets left for discerning Caucasians in Queens anymore but for the Fairway in Douglaston, the Trader Joe's on Metropolitan, and the Stop n Shops.

I don't think too many will miss those crappy stores. As long as they don't build a Wal-mart!

Anonymous said...

I believe the Mitchell-Linden Library is being renovated, and that's why it moved to a much smaller, temporary location 2 blocks south.

With regard to the Murray Hill shopping plaza: although I personally used that Duane Reade for my prescriptions, I tended to use CVS for just about everything else. There's an over-saturation of "pharmacy/convenience" stores.

Anonymous said...

The Mekong Thai & Vietnamese Restaurant in that shopping center has lost my business because they have a fake sign on their door saying that their credit card machine has to be repaired - but the sign has been there since June. I'm used to the fact that many restaurants are "cash only," but at least be honest about it. They've switched to "cash only" but are trying to hide that fact.

Anonymous said...

If Duane-Reade can't cover the rent, what business can?

Anonymous said...

I believe the Mitchell-Linden Library is being renovated, and that's why it moved to a much smaller, temporary location 2 blocks south.


You believe wrong!!! The library moved PERMANENTLY!!!

We Know What's Really Going On said...

So? Order the food and then hand them the credit card. Bet you they take it. The machine gets miraculously "fixed".

We Know What's Really Going On said...

Or offer to write them a check.

Anonymous said...

Heard it's being converted into a Walgreens

Anonymous said...

I miss Met & Rock Bottom...and sneaker circus....and Consumers !!!

Anonymous said...

Alot of stores on Northern blvd are closing and reopening too in that area. The small stores are just tax write offs. But I do not know why these big stores would be closing like that. I remember the good old days when there was a consumers located in this shopping center. There was also a clothing store around there, I think it was called Murrays. Ahh...the good old days of northern blvd.

Anonymous said...

Interesting. I bet you caould build a 7 seven story mixed use bulding on that lot.

Anonymous said...

The appliance shop, Digi Plus, is pretty good - I actually got a better price on a large dehumidifier than I would have gotten had I ordered it on Amazon. And the ATT dealer/cell phone guy, Chris, is very patient and professional.

Anonymous said...

Yea itll probably be a walgreens now....they own duane reade

Anonymous said...

NO...the zoning only allows for 3 story construction with setbacks..NOT 7 story.
You are misinformed.

Jerry Rotondi, a local resident said...

What balls!

I got a call on Monday that my Duane Reade prescription was ready--and that I should pick it up before Wednesday--when the store would close.

Then I get a call on Wednesday that Duane Reade has closed--and that my RX has been transfered, further west, to Rite Aid on Northern Boulevard (near Parsons).

I think that Walgreens, Rite Aide and Duane Reade are held buy the same parent company.

I intend to transfer my prescriptions further east-- rather than submit myself to the congestion near the downtown hub--or to Walmart's delivery service.

The less that I set foot near stinky downtown Flushing--the happier I am--and the lower my blood pressure.

Anonymous said...

Heard today from a very credible source that McDonald's will not be renewing its lease when it is up. Not sure when that will be, but the rumor is that the entire shopping center will be razed to build an apartment building. Not sure what the regulations are and how tall it could tower. Anyone have any idea of what is going on?

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