Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Another brownfield-to-condo project


A demolition application has been filed for 16-14 Madison Street (between Wyckoff and Myrtle Aves). The one-story warehouse building - a former post office - was purchased in August by Essex Capital (via 1614 Madison Partners LLC) for $4,700,000.

The property is located in a C4-3A zoning district which allows for both commercial and residential use. A recent Brownfield Cleanup Program application for the site (ID #C241150) filed with the NY State DEP notes:

The current use of the site is for Commercial and the intended use of the site is for Residential and Unrestricted use.

(More history at the above link.)

1 comment:

Joe Moretti said...

Another great building, gone to greed.

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