Friday, November 8, 2013

Verizon workers stop rape in progress

From the Queens Courier:

Three Queens-bred heroes thwarted a rape in Flushing last week by chasing, catching and sitting on the attacker until cops arrived.

Verizon technicians Michael Popowich, Anthony Howley and John Gilday were finishing up a job at 150-24 Northern Boulevard on October 30 when they saw a man lurking across the street around noon.

They said the alleged assailant, identified by police as 53-year-old Young Song, ran up to a woman who was leaving a corner café and put his hand on her waist.

But then the man “got a lot more aggressive and physical with her” and allegedly pushed her down to the ground, they said.

“She had a skirt on. He put his hand up her skirt and proceeded to pull her underwear down,” Popowich claimed. “No one did anything.”

The three technicians shouted, but the noise did not scare him off, said Gilday, 53, of Douglaston.

The trio sprang into action and chased the man, who ran onto the street. They caught him and brought him to his knees, they said.

“The three of us manhandled him back onto the sidewalk,” Popowich said. “We sat on him with all of our weight until the police showed up.”

Song, a Flushing resident, was arrested and charged with rape, sexual abuse and unlawful imprisonment, police said. He did not know the victim before allegedly attacking her, the victim told her rescuers.


Anonymous said...

She could have called 911 like our elected leaders want us all do do.
People should have the right to protect themselves and crime will be reduced significantly. Thanks to the three Verizon workers this women was saved from the low life but what if they were not there ?

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's hot!!!!

Thanks guys!!

Joe said...

Good to hear about things like this. These 3 should be recognized for this. At the same time it's concerning. Something like this happening in broad daylight on NORTHERN blvd is ballsy. There have been some pretty violent crimes happening in the Asian community lately. I remember the guy who hacked up his wife with an ax a few years ago. I was at booth memorial the other night and an Asian lady came in with blood from head to toe from another attack. Might be a good idea to look forward and see if we're going to need more policing going forward.

Anonymous said...

More pieces of crap walking on the streets...thank INS for the wonderful people you provide America with!

Anonymous said...

I like the story that everyone just walked by and did nothing - just like they do in China.

The new mayor wants these people to vote and drive. Great.

georgetheatheist said...

White people, Caucasians (3 of 'em!), still exist in New York City?

Captain Renault said...

Excellent work from our involved citizenry!

These messieurs are a beacon of hope in a sea of scoundrels!

Their good deeds make my job a little easier, and my job, as always, is to:


georgetheatheist said...

“The three of us manhandled him back onto the sidewalk,” Popowich said. “We sat on him with all of our weight until the police showed up.”

Uh-oh. I smell a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Why hasn't Verizon fired them yet? Don't the three know they exposed Verizon to being sued by the suspect?

Miles Mullin said...

Correct you are there George.

And she, perhaps an illegal, will vanish back into the rabbit warren that was once called Flushing.

Anonymous said...

White people, Caucasians (3 of 'em!), still exist in New York City?
yea, but they don't LIVE in NYC which 'splains a lot about our city these days....

Anonymous said...

And she, perhaps an illegal, will vanish back into the rabbit warren that was once called Flushing.

Not every Asian in Flushing is an "illegal" - there are still such things as visas. She could be a student; she could be a skilled I.T. worker; she could be here visiting a relative; or yes, she could be undocumented. But she certainly didn't deserve to be attacked by some lowlife. And lowlifes comes in all shapes, sizes, and ethnicities.

And since Paul Vallone thought that Flushing had a problem with home invasions, hopefully he'll get right on this new "epidemic."

Anonymous said...

Deport the assailant back to China, Taiwan or whatever hole he crawled out of. After his prison sentence here.

Queens Crapper said...

All 3 are Queens residents. Read the article.

Anonymous said...

"More pieces of crap walking on the streets...thank INS for the wonderful people you provide America with!"

"I like the story that everyone just walked by and did nothing - just like they do in China.

The new mayor wants these people to vote and drive. Great."

I'm so ashamed to have to share Queens with these racist pricks. I hear Alabama is beautiful; can you please do us all a favor and GTFO?

Anonymous said...

I'm ashamed to share Queens with people who haven't learned to ignore stupidity.

Deke DaSilva said...

I'm so ashamed to have to share Queens with these racist pricks.

Typical status whoring white liberal - he's more worked up about blog comments, then he is about a potential rapist.

Probably also thinks the "oppressed minority" rapist wouldn't have attempted what he did, were it not for all those Republicans on the NY City Council that cut funding for after school youth programs and adult centers.

Anonymous said...

"yea but they dont live in NYC explains alot about our city these days"

Westchester/Long Islanders would have just sat in their car and called the cops (which is the equivalent of NOTHING) and waited for police to arrive.

QUeens, USA ^^^^^^

Anonymous said...

I guess that's become a prerequisite for living here.

Anonymous said...

I grew up right across the street- at noon on Northern Blvd?! That's so brazen :(

But good on these guys! We need more folks like them, I wish them all the best.

Anonymous said...

Why is the name and immigration status of the scumbag nowhere to be found?
Good chance the perp is one Liz Crowley’s "poor undocumented immigrants" (future democrats) sheltered from INS & released from jail.
When “The Boogiemen” gang would nab car vandals, rapists and muggers back in the 70s they would beat them senseless, broken bones and noses bleeding for the cops to mop up as an example. All the scumbags and late night drug addict car vandals knew not pull crap in the area.
The cops are NEVER around when needed and have their hands tied when they are.
These guys should be given gold medals or at least some tax credits.

To bad the perp didn't have an accident with a moving car or truck during his run & scuffle.

georgetheatheist said...

It's not pejorative racism by the pricks.

It's honorific sociological commentary.

Why go to school when you can get an excellent education here at the Queens Crap Blogsite? Free too.

Anonymous said...

Republicans on the NY City Council that cut funding for after school youth programs and adult centers

Aren't there 3 Republicans on the City Council? I don't think they can pass anything without support from the Speaker and the Dem majority.

Hell Gate Kid said...

In China there is little public sympathy for a person in danger - something written up many times and in many places.

A tweeder is a knee jerk liberal that calls even discussing this a racist.

Anonymous said...

They should have hanged him by his nuts from the nearest telephone poll!

Anonymous said...

awesome!! thanks guys for your heroism! Flushing resident and woman . . .

Anonymous said...

These guys rock! What a heroic story in Queens!
Its true what people are saying most people in Flushing are clueless to what is around them. I was walking down Bowne Street and an elderly woman was on the floor with her husband holding her hand. My adrenalin kicked in, the husband was hunched over a bit I knew he couldn't pick her up. I told my husband we need to run there quick. We asked if they needed help they sure did. We also asked if she was hurt or felt anything broken and she gave my husband the green light to pick her up.
The good news is they were both okay and thank God we were there to help them. The bad news is how long was that lady on the floor? I saw people pass by and look and no one gave a s*it. What a shame for these people and there horrible souls that live or hang out in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Thank God for those Three men. I've lived in Flushing for 46yrs and as a women, We need more people like them around that are willing to protect instead of walking away!

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