Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The sheeple have spoken

So after people voted for DeBlasio in a landslide yesterday, under the mistaken impression that he is somehow the "anti-Bloomberg" (a quick glance at his positions and voting record shows otherwise), at least 2 other candidates rode his coattails to victory. Elizabeth Crowley, the do-nothing council member from district 30, and Paul Vallone, a proven liar from district 19, both bested their Republican opponents with roughly the same margin of victory. People either really love dynasties, getting F'ed over by the Machine, or are just plain sheeple who vote down the line.

For 4 more years, we will get exactly what we deserve for choosing such unqualified candidates. And I'll be there to document every move they make. DeBlasio won't be so popular in 4 years.


Anonymous said...

shame that Vallone won. I'm a dem - voted dem right down the line EXCEPT for Vallone - I voted Rep for that one.

Anonymous said...

Look at the bright side, maybe Adam will at last get a paying job and stop trolling the message boards?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if having Paul Vallone as my city councilman could possibly help me get my R2 property rezoned to R4....kaching!

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! voting has become a joke - unions tell there members who they must support (even if they disagree) is the right? Ms.Crowley does represent anyone buy herself - there are issues in Middle Village that she will not address - go down 78th street one morning and see three companies at work - trucks,3 and 4 waiting to be unloaded, hilos out on the oneway street unloading, skids out on the sidewalks all this at 7:15 am - Ms Crowley was told of thia - buit will not address it - why???

Anonymous said...

Suprised dizzy lizzy won.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Now we've got to ride Paul Vallone's ass--my fellow BFHA members--to make sure that this self serving slice of baloney serves us along with his own ambitions.

It's no time to be meek and mild.
Put your requests and demands on the table and don't accept "no" for an answer.

You can expect my calls to your district office, if need be--Councilman Vallone.
Don't make the mistake of turning a deaf ear.

However, I usually take care of my own needs and problems--therefore it isn't likely that I'll be needing your assistance.

BFHA takes care of its own needs too.

Anonymous said...

Would it have made any difference in the 19th Council district if Avella had crossed party line and publicly endorsed Saffran?

Anonymous said...

Paulie is so dumb, and so greedy, what are the odds that he lasts the full four-year term? I'd bet he gets caught up in a Halloran-type sting, and then Adam (Mini Nuts) will have to claim entrapment.

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed. Not one candidate that I voted for won.

Anonymous said...

It was the same shit on Long Island. All the new Sheeple, Asians and Builders living in the Town of North Hempstead kept and elected even more Democrats including ANOTHER Supervisor from Great Neck
These democrats promised to do away with zoning, building dept staff and lawyers that have been the only line of defense from a building "free for all" like in Queens. They are calling it an updated "property owners bill of rights" and re-vamping that will save the taxpayer millions of dollars.

Like in Queens old buildings & trees on big property's in Manhasset, Plandome, Strathmore and Munsey park are doomed !!

Anonymous said...

Last night our community was sold to the highest bidder.

What a bunch of sheep.

I pity the first constituent that needs the help of their councilman.

Shame on us.

georgetheatheist said...

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

Yee-haa! Ride their asses! Yee-haa! Ride those asses!

Anonymous said...

The republican party should be ASHAMED of themselves for not supporting a well educated, honest and hard working person for the job. Instead they did everything they could so Saffran wouldn't get elected.

Just like Doofus Dan the Witch Halloran the republican's have the BIGGEST EGOS around.

Last night the biggest EGOS won.

People never learn.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen please give a warm welcome and round of applause to....Stinky.

Anonymous said...

You give Adam the Dwarf too much credit by even mentioning him on this blog. He is both insignificant and dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Well said Crapper. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

In a city of 8 million, voting totals a little more than a million..and we now we got Commrade BD on the basis of 750,000 votes. 9% of the city's population. We get what we deserve.

Anonymous said...

Lizzie is going out shopping for more lip balm today...

Anonymous said...

Based on the number of people that showed up at the debates I'm not surprised Stinky got elected.

Nobody cares.

Tough toe-nails District 19 you got what you deserve.

Roger said...

You say "people voted for DeBlasio... under the mistaken impression that he is somehow the 'anti-Bloomberg.'" You can't read all the voters' minds.

Anonymous said...

They drank the kool-aid. It must have been on sale.

Queens Crapper said...

What gets me is that a lot of people in Bayside, etc. left Astoria after the Vallones raped and pillaged it. They didn't learn their lesson?

Anonymous said...

Stinky will rule with mighty toilet brush.

Anonymous said...

This is what typical Vallonites look like. Doesn't look too diverse or multicultural to me.

Anonymous said...

Crappy said:
What gets me is that a lot of people in Bayside, etc. left Astoria after the Vallones raped and pillaged it. They didn't learn their lesson?

Name recognition counts for so much in local elections, as does the support of the local machine, who make calls, knock on doors, etc. Hey, the people in Massachusetts would have kept electing Ted Kennedy forever, had he not died, and few politicians had more baggage than him.

Joe Moretti said...

What does it take to get people to wake up or is that a hopeless cause.

In Jamaica, they kept Councilman Ruben Wills in, they voted for Leroy Comrie's handpicked boy, I. Daneek Miller and of course do not even get me started on Katz.

Shit in, Shit out.

The majority of people are just plain stupid and get what they deserve.

Queens, The DUMB BOROUGH and the epitome of stupidity.

Anonymous said...

What is Vam Bramer going to do with his $130,000 war chest amassed against no candidate?

Anonymous said...

What I found interesting is that Ulrich race was fairly tight. I really thought he would have had a bigger margin in his victory. At least he has 4 years to choose a new job.
As for Crowley, did you really except her to lose.
Carruana made no case to vote for him. The one mistake that most people make when running in ann election is that they spend too much time attacking their opponent instead of focusing on their accomplishments and plans for their community.
Vallone won because the people who live in Bayside who are Italian or catholic will only vote for those who are the same. It's an old story that has played out for centuries . The ones in your ethnic group who you blindly trust are the ones most likely to screw you.
People vote on similarity not on merit , most of the time. Not always.

Anonymous said...

omg.....are you freaking kidding me? What idiot voted for this douchebag?

Anonymous said...

where the hell was all the republicans when I needed them yesterday? These damn illegals and immigrants got their way with all of the votes in this damn city.....its bad enough my poor neighborhood has turned into a third world country's city....:(

Anonymous said...

Went to PS 32 last night and voted for Vallone. The turnout there seemed smaller than last (presidential election) year, and seemed more white than usual, so I am surprised Vallone won by such margins as he did.

I don't like how indebted Vallone is to lobbyists and the real estate lobby especially and do not have that much expectations for him. On the other hand Saffran is some lawyer living in la-di-da Douglaston whose eyes dart about furtively when he has to come to community meetings with us working proles. The main thing I know about his issues is he wants the NYPD hassling young male negroes even more then they usually do. I guess killing Sean Bell was not enough. Saffran also writes about how the Internet needs more censorship for the bile inducing City Journal.

The news keeps saying Deblasio went to the USSR! And tried to keep the US from having another Vietnam in Nicaragua! I guess I am supposed to dislike Deblasio for trying to keep the US out of Nicaragua's affairs in the mind of Murdoch and the Post but actually I like him more because of this.

I have two concerns, keeping the Republicans out of the Council seat and getting some control over the real estate lobby. The seat is a tossup one relative to other districts. It leads to unpleasant choices and scenarios. I am happy the Republicans have now been whittled down to three council seats even if I have misgivings about Vallone.

Anonymous said...

The biggest disgrace is that Vallone won. The general public truly is stupid. They had Anthony Weiner leading the polls for a while so that tells you something.

DeBlasio is a con artist. You mean to tell me the last 20 years in New York have been bad? He also played the race card with his own kids. The man has no shame.

Anonymous said...

Well the joke is on you because Paul Vallone was poised to run on both the Conservative and Republican lines 4 years ago and actually is way more conservative than Saffran. You voted for a Republican in the vein of Dan Halloran, idiot.

Anonymous said...

The only reason Vallone and Crowley won were because Dems voted down the line due to DeBlasio. They would have tied or lost without that boost.

Anonymous said...

Forget them. Lew Simon? Give me a break. 95% of his votes were due to DeBlasio.

Anonymous said...

Well the joke is on you because Paul Vallone was poised to run on both the Conservative and Republican lines 4 years ago and actually is way more conservative than Saffran. You voted for a Republican in the vein of Dan Halloran, idiot.

...true dat. And you voted for the guy that was ENDORSED by Dan Halloran. That should make your short hairs stand on end.

Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of volunteering for the Saffran campaign and I must say that I never met a more dedicated group of people who honestly believed in what they were campaigning for. It's a shame that negative campaigning, outright lies, avoidance of discussing the issues and blind party loyalty gave us the result we have today. Dennis Shaffran is a class act and would have done much good for our communities. The results of this election almost turned me off to politics, but seeing how the Shaffran campaign conducted itself changed my mind. Maybe there is hope for good candidates to win .

Queens Crapper said...

Getting control over the real estate lobby is a concern of yours yet you voted for Vallone, a real estate lobbyist, for City Council? What a complete moron.

Anonymous said...

For everyone saying Vallone and Crowley won because of deblasio check out this map.

Almost all of Glendale and Middle Village is red for Lhota. A lot of red in Northeast Queens too.

Anonymous said...

"For 4 more years, we will get exactly what we deserve for choosing such unqualified candidates. And I'll be there to document every move they make"

Crappy, this ungrateful city thanks you for your continued service and for having the balls to say and post what needs to be said.

Anonymous said...

I had the pleasure of volunteering for the Saffran campaign and I must say that I never met a more dedicated group of people who honestly believed in what they were campaigning for. It's a shame that negative campaigning, outright lies, avoidance of discussing the issues and blind party loyalty gave us the result we have today. Dennis Shaffran is a class act and would have done much good for our communities. The results of this election almost turned me off to politics, but seeing how the Shaffran campaign conducted itself changed my mind. Maybe there is hope for good candidates to win .

Anonymous said...

Voter turnout was so low. If people in Glendale and Mid. Village actually got off their fats asses and went out to voter the result would have been different.
Now they can go back and sit on their sofas and watch the Kardasian's
You got what you deserved .

Anonymous said...

If it were just Glendale and Middle Village, Caruana would have won. But the district also includes Woodhaven, Woodside, Ridgewood and Maspeth, which voted Dem.

Anonymous said...

Crappy, this ungrateful city thanks you for your continued service and for having the balls to say and post what needs to be said.

Hear, hear!

Anonymous said...

I am in shock that Vallone got in despite all his lies. People really are gullible and stupid.

Crappie we are all depending on you to call out his crap as it happens.

I too met Saffran supporters and campaigners and all of them were smart, polite and professional. Even the teens were very well spoken for their age.

I guess people prefer to watch Kardashians instead of the Discovery Channel.

Now they can live it.

Anonymous said...

I hope that both Dennis Saffran and Austin Shafran run for office again in the future - either of them would have been much better options than Stinky.

Don't forget to punish those party hacks that "stood with" Paul Vallone and whored themselves out for him. Many of them will be up for re-election and need to be held accountable for their poor judgment.

Ms. Tsouris said...

Excuse me, but I voted for Saffran and am very sorry there's such an uninformed electorate in CD19. I will never vote Democrat in my own district; they are all real-estate-lobby sellouts and therefore are Democraps! As it is, there's so much development going on around the Bell Blvd., 42nd Ave., and Northern Blvd. area that I don't think it matters who represents us in city council. What I don't understand is why all this development when there are tons of empty storefronts along Northern Blvd. between Springfield Blvd.and Bell. Maybe Mr.Vallone can answer that question.

Anonymous said...

Debra Markel, who put her house up for sale a year ago ( inside info on school) , Warren Shrieber ( Dem hack) and Mat Silverstein, all supported Vallone after stating thy would never vote for him.

We will remember your names, I will keep reminding all, and come your turn, you will pay!

Anonymous said...

Run for your lives !!!
Whats been elected in NYC (socialists) will be worse then Obama, Bloomberg and the Kennedy/Johnson liberalism crap'ola of the 60s combined.
May as well live in California or France.

Just wait till DeBlasio and his precious tweededs of color come knocking on your door for that unused room or basement.
Single family homes and owners will soon be behind the 8 ball.
This DeBlasio already referred to single family proprietors with unused rent capable zoned basements "out of touch, hoggish and unwilling to share"

Deep Deep Doo Doo is coming !!

georgetheatheist said...

From today's NY Times (A21):

"In the end, he [Lhota] raised just $3.4 million, a third of the amount collected by Mr. de Blasio. 'He just hit a brick wall,' said Phil Ragusa, the chairman of the Republican Party in Queens. 'You have to be well-funded. That is a reality. Joe was not.' "

The reality is Phil Ragusa has to go. He keeps the good-for-nothing Queens Republican party in the shambles it's in.

Anonymous said...

The reality is Phil Ragusa has to go. He keeps the good-for-nothing Queens Republican party in the shambles it's in.

The "southern" faction of the Queens GOP (Eric Ulrich and his supporters) have already tried on several occasions to unseat Ragusa, and have failed. There is a theory out there that Joe Lhota may now become a GOP powerbroker in NYS. If he feels that Ragusa let him down, then by all means I hope that he seeks vengeance and pushes him out the door.

Anonymous said...

Phil Ragusa is an idiot whose shelf life expired a long time ago.

Anonymous said...

The last time we elected a Democrat Mayor was 1989, David Dinkins. Four years later in 1993 we booted him and elected Giuliani.
I think that in four years, we'll realize that "Progressive" DeBlasio is a Dinkins retread, and we'll elect a Republican. So let's be patient.

Anonymous said...

Crapper, you would rather have Lhota? He is more Bloomberg than deBlaz

Queens Crapper said...

Which candidate rejected the alienation of public parkland and which supported it?

Anonymous said...

People in DeB's brooklyn areas... know that Bruce Ratner (same guy that has built not 1 "low income housing" from the Barclay's Ctr deal..) actually threw DeB's 50th b-day party. Dems around here know that DeB was WITH Bloomberg vs. the Gowanus Canal superfund designation, etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Just send Vallone a Christmas Card stuffed with cash. He'll do whatever you ask, just like the rest of his family. First they destroyed LIC & Astoria with high rise towers for local residents who CAN'T AFFORD THEM AND HAVE TO SEE THEIR PROPERTY TAXES RISE TO PAY FOR THESE CORPORATE GIFTS and NEXT it's Whitestone, College Point and Flushings turn.


Anonymous said...

Seeing the voters map from NY1 is a real eye opener.

I've known the upper east side was a bastian for republican pigs for quite some time (these are the people that HATE for the sake of HATING because they feel they are ENTITLED to hate others) and it is said that the upper east side is now THE most republican voting district in the country now and has been for the last 12 years (I guess Bloomberg did his job well, that FASCIST), but the alarming amount of Republicans in Bayside and the Rockaways is outright alarming. These neighborhoods were notoriously working class as I was growing up and especially the Rockaways were Union all the way considering the massive amounts of police and firemen that live there. But looking deeper into this, all I can see is nothing but the white flight of the 80's and 90's from western Queens and Eastern Brooklyn as the cause of this. Racism rearing it's ugly head. Most Greeks that owned houses and cash-based retail in Astoria have long 'fled' to Bayside, where they live very comfortably in their multiple dwelling landlord status these days, still dodging their taxes in their cash-based businesses and allowing their children to drive around all day in brand new white Mercedes and Audi's and sip coffee on 30th Avenue all day instead of holding a damn day job like THE REST OF US and the complacency of police and firemen to be sheep of the Bloomberg years and NOT STANDING UP FOR A NEW CONTRACT ALL THESE YEARS AS THEY SHOULD answers for the south Queens Republican numbers.

Being born and raised in Queens and seeing this is not as unsettling as it is disgusting.

This truly is a tale of two cities as de Blasio has said repeatedly and has caught flak for.

He's right.

Queens Crapper said...

Bayside-Douglaston has been Republican leaning for at least 50 years, and the Silk Stocking district was solidly Republican before Gifford Miller won the seat. Sounds like someone has no idea what they are talking about.

Anonymous said...

Since Halloran voted for Vallone, I would love to know: Four years ago, did Paul Vallone vote for Kevin Kim or Dan Halloran? Would have loved to have asked that question to all of the candidates at one of the forums.

FlooshingRezident said...

It's just another example of our dumbed-down America. I know people that won't vote - adults in their 50s and 60s! They're too mentally lazy to educate themselves and form opinions so they say "Why bother - they're all liars and crooks!"

However true that might be - some pols lie and steal a little less - and some are actually really good guys (Tony Avella!).

If you can't reason with morons like this, how do we get the apathetic and stupid involved?

Their minds are slow and lazy - I think it's from too much processed food and aspartame! And they're all on about 9 meds due to the build-in lack of personal accountability in our current unhealth care system. Most of the population, especially kids, seem really dim-witted today - and I'm talking about white people that supposedly speak and understand English!

Throw out your microwaves and eat some organic vegetables already! Drink more water and work towards getting off your meds!

Anonymous said...

"Seeing the voters map from NY1 is a real eye opener"

-- Then why don't you open them at look at the goddamn map of the winners? 48/51 democrats on the City Council, all dems in the city-wide offices, 4/5 dem borough presidents. One megalomaniacal mayor who was "Republican" because he couldn't buy off his county org. when he was a democrat, and cared about no one but himself.

Yeah, I know your type from the Huffington Post. As long as there are all of 7 Klansman in the U.S. and one old Italian granny living in Bay Ridge, you'll blame racists and Republicans for everything wrong at every level of govt.

What a frothing idiot.

Joe Moretti said...

Well spoken FlooshingRezident and sadly so true.

Anonymous said...

Let's hold Vallone's feet to the fire insisting that he make good on his promise to be a full-time City Councilman!!! I will be monitoring him closely! I suspect this too was one of his many lies! He would not deign to live on a City Councilman's salary. Time will tell! Saffran should ask for a seat on CB 11 to ensure that the real estate developers don't continue to ruin our neighborhoods!

Anonymous said...

It wasn't de Blasio that pushed Vallone over the line. NY1's election map shows that where Lhota won, so did Vallone. Voters actually crossed back over to vote for him after voting for Lhota. So, while this lot may not like him, the fact is the guy ran a stronger campaign than Saffran and therefore beat him.

Anonymous said...

You're right, it wasn't DeBlasio that pushed Vallone over the line. It was the fact that the Queens Republican party was actively campaigning against Saffran. They would rather self-annihilate than admit that there are people out there with different ideas than them. You don't hire their "consultants", you get hammered. You ally with the wrong faction of the party and they work against you. But thanks for the good laugh by saying it was Vallone's slicker campaign skills that put him over the top. Did you actually type that with a straight face?

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the tens of thousands of dollars spent on both Crowley and Vallone's campaigns by special interests, which their opponents did not have the benefit of. These 2 will now call for reform, after having gotten away with this crap. And watch Paul Vallone run on both the Democratic and Republican lines in 4 years.

These people have no soul, no moral compass, and will do absolutely anything short of killing their family members to get elected.

Queens Crapper said...

I have had to censor multiple comments from Vallone supporters on this thread because they threatened Saffran, Graziano or Avella. This from the camp of the "unifier". Some of these comments were downright sick.

Anonymous said...

I have had to censor multiple comments from Vallone supporters on this thread because they threatened Saffran, Graziano or Avella. This from the camp of the "unifier". Some of these comments were downright sick.

Not surprising - Paulie is a thug, and his supporters mirror his behavior. Now that they "won", their behavior will only get more aggressive.

Anonymous said...

If they're that bad crappy, let's see them. For all we know it was probably just one sad little gay dwarf.

Anonymous said...

Can't imagine the dwarfe making negative comments.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the commenter who said the Queens Republican party is fractious, with different factions. There is even a Youtube video somewhere of Saffran talking about this a little.

For myself, I am happy to see one less Republican on City Council. I am glad the Queens Republican party is a circular firing squad.

I am a proud party-loyal Democrat. The elections in this district are always too close to risk anything other than voting for a Democrat who can get elected.

The real estate lobby probably sits back and laughs over how half the district wants Catholic school vouchers and half wants to fund public schools with liberal, Jewish teachers. Half is pro-choice and half pro-life. Divided over petty things, the small minority who actually vote are easy to divide and rule by the well-funded real estate lobby.

I go to my corner and what used to be two houses and a business twenty years ago are now apartments and multi-family homes housing 50 or so apartments. Streets areclogged with traffic, intersections are jammed. I prefer people like Avella and Graziano to Vallone but I still voted Vallone.

Anonymous said...

I go to my corner and what used to be two houses and a business twenty years ago are now apartments and multi-family homes housing 50 or so apartments. Streets areclogged with traffic, intersections are jammed. I prefer people like Avella and Graziano to Vallone but I still voted Vallone.

This is crazy reasoning.

You are upset with the development that's taken place here, and yet you voted for Vallone, who received over $350,000 from the Real Estate Board of New York.

Avella and Graziano fought to rezone our neighborhoods to STOP this from happening.

Halloran started undoing it, and Vallone is now working for the developers directly, through the Real Estate Board of New York and his family's lobbying firm.

And you still voted for Vallone even after talking about how the real estate lobby is laughing at residents like you because you vote down the party line.

Nice job. A fine example of a Sheeple.

sam said...

What is sad is that the people of Ridgewood, Maspeth, Middle Village and Glendale got exactly what they deserve because in 2008, a genuine, respectable, caring, hardworking community activist tried to run to represent the communities that he loved so much and he was stabbed in the back, he was used, he was manipulated by many people and he was sold out and than his character came into question because of his sexuality and a horrible letter surfaced about him, not his character but about his sexuality and the racism that came from that shocked me. Charlie Ober would have served you people so well because he truly believes in democracy and he is the most trusted person I have ever met in my life. You people will never know what you lost out on because I do not know another person who is as honest and truthful as he is. And I am not saying this because I am his friend I am saying this because I look up to him because he really lives his life without controversy and without drama and no one has anything on him because there is nothing to have on him that is how squeaky clean he is. So it is a shame that because of bigots and racism he lost and that is a shame because he would have done well for all of you. Everything he does he succeeds in because he is such a good person that he only attracts good in his life. I am proud to call him my friend and confidant because he truly is a great man. And we could all take a lesson from him about being good people because he truly lives his life with respect.

Anonymous said...

"I go to my corner and what used to be two houses and a business twenty years ago are now apartments and multi-family homes housing 50 or so apartments. Streets are clogged with traffic, intersections are jammed. I prefer people like Avella and Graziano to Vallone but I still voted Vallone. "

This is the mentality of voters….very sad.

Anonymous said...

Vallone's victory relied heavily on paranoid voters, who are the most fickle.

Anonymous said...

While I completely support and respect your decision to sensor comments, I almost wish you did not because I am genuinely interested in what was threatened by the Vallone camp. This whole election has left me and many others disillusioned. Contemplating a move.

Anonymous said...

Halloran seems very happy that Stinky won, and posted congratulations on his Facebook page - but didn't see his mug among the usual suspects at the Vallone victory party.

Anonymous said...

soviet president krucshev predicted that "Americans will destroy themselves from within", at the U.N. in the 1960's.

Nucky said...

Paul Vallone's Resume and qualifications translated from Vallone-bullshitese into English. (based on many all of his speeches):

1) I procreated and I am father of the year. Yes, having sex was the greatest accomplishment of my life, once I finally figured it out, and I want you all to know about it since I have no actual qualifications.

2) My Family is better than yours. I love you Daddy. Am I good enough now?

3) I kiss other politician's asses, therefore I'll be more effective (in promoting their agendas, not the district's, but you won't realize that until I'm in office. Muhahahahaha...)

4) I can pronounce the word Respect, and can repeat the word multuple times. I do this despite having no idea what the fuck it actually means, and in spite of the fact that I benefitted from the most inapporopriate and tasteless campaign literature in the city's history and refused to denounce it.

5)I am a registered lobbyist, but I am not a lobbyist. Yes, that's what I said, and I expect you all to believe this because you're stupid and because no one does their homework.

6) I am a Conehead.

7) Look at who stands with me. Dan Fucking Halloran.

Queens Crapper said...

I find it simply amazing that someone who thinks this website is a joke and the commenters are stupid keeps wasting his time coming back again and again and again to type shit he knows will not get posted. Talk about not having a life. This isn't even on the front page anymore and requires effort to get to. I guess Vallone has given him his marching orders.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Councilman Vallone, I hope that you and Adam appreciate my humble drawing.

I might not be of the same caliber of Thomas Nast (famed boss Tweed ring buster cartoonist) , but I think I fill the bill for now, until somebody better comes along.

And--Councilman, you can expect to be seeing more of my scrawlings if you don't do your job well.

I'm not afraid of any political muscling either.
Take your best shots.

Anonymous said...

Boy, Adam and Uncle Fester his idol.
You hit it right on the nose, Jerry!

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