Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Stop warnings without stop signs in Flushing

From WPIX:

Signs give us direction and help keep order on the streets.

State Senator Tony Avella says he noticed a problem with some street markings along 32nd Avenue between Higgins and Farrington Streets in Flushing, Queens.

“We notified DOT of this dangerous situation, ” Senator Avella said, “Only to have the complaint closed out because they could not find the problem.”

The City acknowledges the mix up and says it will be fixed.

“The street markings were placed in the wrong location; they are supposed to be on the side streets –which have stop signs– rather than on 32nd Avenue, which is a through street,” said a NYC Department of Design and Construction spokesperson.

“We have directed the contractor to remove the markings as quickly as possible. We apologize if any motorists were inconvenienced by having to make an unnecessary stop.”


Kent said...

Bet it was United Pavement Markings.Sounds like a Don Erdey kinda job.

Anonymous said...

People in flushing don't know how to drive anyway ..let alone obey signs on the road....

Anonymous said...

Tony is all over the city. He ought to bring his own camera crew with him like Greg Mocker does.
Isn't his job NYS SENATOR?

What's his attendance record?

Anonymous said...

RU kidding?
Those Flooshing Asians don't even know how to walk, let alone drive.

The Flushing Phantom said...

"Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown!"

Anonymous said...

Where is the inscrutable, invisible Peter Koo?
Avella has got to do Koo's job for him.

Dim sum crazy confusing signs, huh?

It'll get even worse if Flushing Commons gets built.

Anonymous said...

DOT is so adept.

Anonymous said...

"not found" is an over-used Agency response. I've given addresses, intersections, and block and lot numbers and seen that come up. Perhaps we should use lat/long coordinates?

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that every time that Tony Avellla gets in the papers, doing his job, REPRESENTING HIS CONSTITUENTS, someone like Anon No. 3 makes a comment like that.

The job of any elected representative, Anon No. 3, be it a NYS SENATOR or a NYC Council Member is to REPRESENT HIS OR HER CONSTITUENTS, regardless of the issue.

Get it?

Anonymous said...

Yeah I get it! Do you?

I get that Tony has another...yawn...press conference, and nothing gets done again except Tony gets more publicity out of it.

Name ONE success story that Tony can brag about a year after one of his press conferences on that subject?

If you insist on believing in the tooth fairy, so be it. Santa Claus is here to solve all of your problems too.

Avella has no real power to change things in NYC from up in Albany. He had little when he was a councilman. Tony has a knack for making enemies.

Politics, unfortunately, is the art of working out a good deal...and Tony does not play or work well with others.

As far as I'm concerned,Tony is a career politician...a coward who pulled out of the borough president's race! I wonder why?

Anonymous said...

I look around my nabe with Avella as a councilman or senator and I see not much that he's accomplished to REPRESENT me well.

Queens Crapper said...

He bitched and it's getting fixed yet according to you, he doesn't do anything. I guess he should have kept his mouth shut?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it - people are getting stupider and stupider AND getting paid to be that way!

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