Friday, November 8, 2013

Nothing to see here, folks!

From Clean Up Jamaica, Queens:

On Saturday I reported that a not yet business, a Live Fish and Meat Store at 169-13 Jamaica Avenue obviously had leftover cement and did not want to dispose of it properly and so just dumped it all around the tree, not only causing damage to the tree, but making a mess of the sidewalk. I reported this via 311 and this was the response I received:

Service Request #: C1-1-905206700
Date Submitted: 11/02/13 1:02:54 PM
Request Type: Illegal Tree Damage
Details: Trunk Damaged

Your Service Request was closed.

The condition was inspected and it was determined that no work order was necessary. The condition will not be inspected again for at least 90 days.

Go f*cking figure.

After calling Parks & Recreation, now they are going to look back into the matter. What the hell is there to look it, there is a major violation that took place.

Joe Moretti
Jamaica, NY 11432


Unknown said...

dude, your wasting your time. its not your city anymore..get out and start a new life somewhere else. your banging your head against a stone wall..its over johnny..ITS OVER!

Anonymous said...

Based on responses that I have had to prior 311 calls I'm not sure is reading or writing are needed to secure a job at at our city agencies.

Anonymous said...

This should not be a 311 complaint. This complaint should go through 911. It deserves and requires immediately action.

Anonymous said...

Should call the all green groups and see how they respond.

If its not funding tied to development they just don't give a shit.

Joe Moretti said...

No DUDE, not banging my head against a stone wall. After I got this report, I talked to a worker at this yet to open business (who said they did not do it, yeah right) and told him there would be consequences and then I phoned Parks & Recreation and talked to a few people there and told them about this ridiculous 311 statement and sent them the photos and said that Greg Mocker of WPIX will be doing a story on the stupidity of this issue. The next day, I went back, cement all removed. It just takes perseverance and determination. Who removed it, I have no idea, but it got done.

Sure I could have just been pissed and done nothing except "bang my head against a stone wall" like flip flop said, but unlike most people, I did something more constructive.

Anonymous said...

I think each of us has to work out the balance between an attitude that all is lost and the only escape is to leave Queens, leave New York, leave the US, etc. --- and an attitude that 311 has some sort of magic power to fix anything on its own.

Anonymous said...

We can thank Bloomberg for the bullshit 311. He made millions of dollars from it.

Thank you Joe. how come people don't realize how important trees and plants are? that's the strange part to me.

FlooshingRezident said...

Go Joe!!!!

Why are there so many naysayers reading and commenting on this blog?

If you think it's all hopeless just shut up and leave - or else get up off your apathetic ass and do something!!!

Things get noticed and fixed when we shame the proper authorities. It's a pity that it has to be that way but it is.

The Parks Dept. finally started picking up the garbage at Bowne Park because of a posting on Queens Crap. People read this blog and CleanUpJamaica every day.

So put up or shut up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Go Joe. I suggest they change Jamaica to Joemaica!
I am always picking up junk on sidewalks and in parks.
Yes, the problem exists even in better neighborhoods like Forest Hills. And sad to say, most of the litter and illegal dumping is done by people who don't even live here!

Anonymous said...

Joe- It's a different country we live in now. But, don't stop trying; I don't.

Anonymous said...

LOL ! that ain't didddly-and you must have had the same inspector arrive on the scene that we had.--
back when we were rezoned from R2 to R5 on a block of attatched row houses,this guy starts excavating directly behind a house,
an area more than 20ft long and about 15ft wide/digs down more than 10 feet and then leaves it all open-and of course no permit-complaint filed-inspector so and so shows up and CALLS IT LANDSCAPING--no permit needed.
So we THEN complained about the inspector and another 1 showed up and again,the same thing.
Remember this if you ever open up an area for another entry way--you don't need a permit,it's landscaping.
OOO the bs we endured when these single families were turned into 3-4 families ==the filth,uncovered dumpsters blowing dust etc the vibrations from jackhammers and demolition causing the ceilings to fall down in places and NOTHING WAS DONE.

Anonymous said...

Typical 311 bullshit. This is how the Bloomberg administration can claim everything is running smoothly in NYC, by lying consistently about all kinds of statistics. Every time I have called and made a legitimate complaint, checking back on the case number says the same lies.

If Bloomberg is the 'CEO' of this city, then he should be held accountable for this city. Just like all CEO's should be in this fucking country.


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