Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lobbyist salivating over DeBlasio victory

From the Daily News:

Joe Lhota is so very right about Bill de Blasio taking us back to the bad old days of the David Dinkins era.

He is just wrong about why we should worry.

The biggest threat to the city in potential slippage is not a spike in crime or renewed riots that leave police cars spinning upside down like tops on the street, as Lhota’s ads suggest. No, the threat comes from the return of lobbyists like Sid Davidoff, who, with the rise of de Blasio, are returning like Freddy Krueger on Halloween.

If you do not recall the dalliance between Davidoff and the Dinkins administration, count yourself lucky. It went something like this:

Dinkins was a tennis fanatic. He played many mornings and had a good backhand. Naturally, there were many people looking to bounce a ball back and forth with the mayor.

Among them was Davidoff, another fine tennis player whose deep interest in city government began with his days in the John Lindsay administration and continued as head of a prosperous firm of lobbyists and lawyers.

Davidoff made an excellent living making sure that contracts, leases and variances for his clients won approvals. In those years, he was a regular fixture in the west wing of City Hall, where he was also close with the first deputy mayor, Norman Steisel, and closer still with Steisel’s chief of staff.

These ties served Davidoff well. With clients ranging from Donald Trump to water meter suppliers, his firm was the league champion among city lobbyists throughout the Dinkins years . It helped that every time the press reported that one of Davidoff’s clients had scored an unseemly gain from the public coffers, more clients appeared at his door.

Davidoff is now an honored senior citizen in the lobbying ranks. And he is also among the excited army of advocates-for-hire who, thanks to de Blasio’s rise, are already beating on the doors of City Hall, somewhat like those ravenous tribes of the undead that populate all the best television shows.


Anonymous said...

Im not voting for diblasio! I hope all the republicans show up for the election this year and I hope alot of democrats realize that voting for diblasio is a HUGH mistake!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh yes....the dinkin days in nyc, I remember! What fun those years were!

Kevin Walsh said...

That's from Tom Robbins, hardly a card carrying Reaganite.

Countervail said...

I'm too young to remember the Dinkins years, but is this article anything but speculative? There's no direct ties from DeBlasio to lobbyists as supposed here.

And what's to say Lhota wouldn't do the exact same thing even worse?

Anonymous said...

Ummm, Lhota was a big-time lobbyist for the Dolans and the MSG group. MSG hasn't paid taxes since 1982.

They are all crooks.

Anonymous said...

The ineptitude of the electorate over getting trifles from these people means that the process has once again cut them out of any benefits for this election cycle.

Face it. Where you were bumbling and inept dear people, others were not.

There is not a dimes' worth of difference in development pressures between Bloomberg and those who will succeed him - Democrat or Republican.

The thing that drives Queens nuts is how DeBlasio will sugar coat his term with the facade of over the top tweeding.

But since most people in the outer boroughs can be ignored by anyone important, we will all be expected to dance kumbaya, as we have been doing for the past 30 years.

And you all will do as expected bowing and scraping when the boss, with ill disguised arrogant contempt for you, enters the room.

That is what happens, dear people, when you lack backbone.

Next question.

Anonymous said...

no republicans are going to win on Tuesday.
Lhota will bounce back with a high paying job somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg may not have been "buyable".

But he wasted hundreds-of-millions of dollars on outside consultants and private companies which often did an inferior, overpriced job that could have been better done in-house.

A classic case was the City Time scandal.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Davidoff's law firm represented the notorious criminal developer Tommy Huang--destroyer of the historic RKO Keith's Flushing theater.

One of the Davidoff's lawyers, Jeffrey Chester. represented the United States Tennis Association (USTA).

Enough said!

Voters beware! Don't buy a pack of lies! Choose your political goods very carefully! There will be no returns accepted at the store for 4 years.

Anonymous said...

Beak our "broken windows" policy and Baltimore will be coming to New York. Vote big Bill out in the next election.

Anonymous said...

Davidoff was a friend and tennis partner of Dinkins. That is how the USTA was able to grab a big chunk of Flushing Meadows Corona Park.

Jeffrey Chester, who worked for Davidoff....who represented the USTA.... also represented the infamous Tommy Huang.

Birds of a feather....huh?

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