Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ferreras staffer fired

From the Daily News:

A city staffer who was quietly fired by Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras (D-E. Elmhurst) says she was unfairly targeted for her connection to the city’s biker scene.

Ivettelis Rodriguez, Ferreras’ former district office director, was dismissed from her $33,000-per-year job after a blog linked her to the bikers who carried out the brutal beatdown of a motorist on the Henry Hudson Parkway.

Rodriguez, 34, says she was officially fired for speaking to the media — not because of any smoking gun connecting her to the rogue riders.

She became the subject of a city probe in mid-October after a blog, “Queens Crap,” linked her to a Facebook campaign to raise money for a motorcyclist charged with attacking Manhattan father Alexian Lien.

Ferreras’ office confirmed the dismissal, but refused to comment. Rodriguez says she was hurt by the councilwoman’s abrupt turnabout.


Anonymous said...

I lol'd so hard


Anonymous said...

Crappy, this story is definitely one of your top 5 in a 2013 retrospective.

georgetheatheist said...

This site is s-o-o-o educational . . .



Anonymous said...

Cultural marxism

Anonymous said...

Another winner!

Marx (Groucho) said...

Anon No. 4:

"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."

Anonymous said...

Way to go Crappy! Thank you!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank God! At least one thing in this city was done right! Now she can raise the money on her own time.

Anonymous said...

I simply seeing people have their lives ruined and getting fired.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!Someone else can have the job who does it instead of being on the internet all day.

I am very happy to read this news.

What kills me is her absolute sense of entitlement to not work all day. I hope one of those savvy lawyers hands her a subpoena and maybe the victims can take out a law suit on her, too.

How dare she do this on the NYC taxpayer's dime? What nerve! Maybe there's more to learn about this woman. I know she wants to be a rebel and all with her overpriced motorcycle. but this is really a bit much.

Anonymous said...

Not being able to facebook all day at work is a violation of First Amendment rights! I demand justice for Ivvellittaaaaa.

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