Friday, November 29, 2013

Dinkins disses deBlasio

From the NY Times:

To punctuate an impassioned pitch for his signature plan to raise taxes on the wealthy, Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio went out of his way during a speech on Monday to praise a cherished political mentor and former boss watching from the audience.

The recipient of his warm words, former Mayor David N. Dinkins, did not exactly return the favor.

In an unscripted and cringe-inducing moment of political candor, Mr. Dinkins opined before a crowd of journalists and academics at Columbia University that Mr. de Blasio should consider a different approach to funding an expansion of prekindergarten programs, throwing a wrench into what was meant to be a carefully choreographed day of municipal theater.

Citing skepticism in Albany, Mr. Dinkins suggested that Mr. de Blasio could turn to a tax on suburban commuters, rather than the tax-the-rich plan that became a centerpiece of his mayoral campaign.

“I think we might have more success with the other one,” Mr. Dinkins said, referring to his commuter plan, a comment that prompted applause from some members of the audience.

Onstage, Mr. de Blasio kept a mirthless smile on his face. “I take your point to heart,” he said.


Anonymous said...

Dinkens still has the balls to appear at political events? This former mayor set the example of what new mayors should not emulate - so this is what DeBlasio holds up as an example he would follow? We are sunk folks!

Anonymous said...

Both DeBlasio and Dinkins want to raise taxes. Neither talk about cutting $70+ budget.

J said...

If example,does deblaz foresee race riots and building a giant arena in a public park for a summer event.

as for the balls of dinkins,he's probably just inspired by the arrogance exhibited by the past 2 mayors.

it's hard to be a saint in the city,especially this city.

Deke DaSilva said...

Mr. Dinkins opined before a crowd of journalists and academics at Columbia University that Mr. de Blasio should consider a different approach to funding an expansion of prekindergarten programs

These political bozos are stuck on stupid, and keep repeating the same tired cliches. Why doesn't anyone even question the logic of funding prekindergarten programs?

Wikipedia has this nugget on the Head Start Program:

In 2011, Time magazine's columnist Joe Klein called for the elimination of Head Start, citing an internal report that the program is costly and makes a negligible impact on children's well-being over time. "You take the million or so poorest 3- and 4-year-old children and give them a leg up on socialization and education by providing preschool for them; if it works, it saves money in the long run by producing fewer criminals and welfare recipients ... it is now 45 years later. We spend more than $7 billion providing Head Start to nearly 1 million children each year. And finally there is indisputable evidence about the program's effectiveness, provided by the Department of Health and Human Services: Head Start simply does not work."

That's from flaming liberal Joe Klein!

But why bother, let's keep taxing the wealthy and throwing money down the toilet!

Anonymous said...

Headstart, pre-k etc, It's city sponsored day care and nothing more. get real fatheads

Joe Moretti said...

Dinkins is irrelevant, hell he was irrelevant when he was Mayor.

You are a dinosaur and not a very good dinosaur. You have nothing interesting or of value to say (hell that describes 99% of the elected leaders).

Anonymous said...

When Dinkins is talking more sense than the incoming mayor, you know there are problems...

Anonymous said...

DiB is going to make Dinkins look like Giuliani.

Anonymous said...

Dunk the Dink.

Anonymous said...

Wilhelm-DiBlasio has a heart?

Anonymous said...

Look who is dissing of NYC's worst do nothing mayors calling De Blahblah out.

Anonymous said...

And what sort of respect does Dinkins deserve....for being a party hack who rose up through the ranks to become Manhattan borough president ....then finally a weak incompetent mayor?

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