Monday, November 4, 2013

Crowley takes credit for things she didn't do

Ooooh, I can't wait to hear this!
"When a house is sold in my neighborhood, I no longer worry about a developer tearing it down to build an oversized eyesore. Thanks to Elizabeth's rezoning, we will never have to worry about overdevelopment again."
Is this guy serious? First of all, the rezoning process for Maspeth-Middle Village-Glendale was started in 2004 by community volunteers, 3 years after Elizabeth Crowley initially ran for City Council, lost, and promptly disappeared. While civic groups were going door-to-door collecting building information, Elizabeth Crowley had a no-show job courtesy of Brian McLaughlin. She resurfaced only in 2008 to run for Council again. The ULURP for the rezone started a few months after Elizabeth assumed power in 2009, mainly because Amanda Burden insisted on personally touring the area before giving her seal of approval. Although the rezoning provides more protection from overdevelopment, there still is plenty of it around these neighborhoods. You'll still see 3 or 4-family houses being built in the future where there currently are one-family houses. And a lot of the area was not rezoned because City Planning couldn't decide which zone it fell into or felt the zoning already matched the housing stock.

Crowley doesn't send her kids to the Maspeth High School. And I guess she thinks we forgot that she voted against the construction of the school and that a lot of Maspeth moms can't send their kids to the school because Crowley failed to obtain the necessary concessions from the DOE. We didn't.

She's fighting for good schools, but the one she is at apparently has a teacher that can't spell the word "repercussion". Hmm. They must have known she was coming, however, because the words "fallacy" "manic" "recession" and "indict" appear next to her head on the blackboard.

This is the creepiest mailer of the bunch. A woman appears on the cover of the folded mailer. When you open it up...

Crowley appears next to her. (She apparently was photoshopped out of the cover.)

Crowley's office referred a constituent to a social worker who enrolled her in Medicaid. That's a basic function of a council member, not fodder for a mailer.

The Forum endorsed Crowley's opponent, Craig Caruana:
The 30th Council District is facing a laundry list of intimidating issues: A woeful lack of senior housing, overcrowded classrooms, an arts center that aims to serve liquor to thousands of patrons in a residential area inhabited by many older residents and families, and not enough green space.

There is much that needs to happen for the district’s residents, and in order for that to happen there must be an elected official who is not only responsive to constituents’ needs but able to get along with the City Council’s top brass, including the Speaker.

That person is Craig Caruana.

We know that Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley has done some good. She has put money into schools and parks. But she has not done nearly enough. Fairly or not, she couldn’t get along with Council Speaker Christine Quinn – and that has hurt the district financially. She is routinely missing in action when it comes to responding to constituent complaints, and, when asked if she would run for a third term – something she repeatedly slammed Mayor Bloomberg for pushing – she didn’t say no. Additionally, she is supporting the Knockdown Center, despite almost every other elected official and numerous civic groups in the area raising a litany of concerns about the facility’s request to serve alcohol to up to 5,000 people at the site.

We need someone who will listen to, and fight for, the people.

Craig Caruana grew up in Middle Village – he knows this district. An involved civic activist, he is committed to this neighborhood and will fight for his constituents – whether they are Democrats or Republicans.

It’s time to vote in someone who aims to reduce property taxes and bring more resources to area schools. Who will return phone calls and get along with other legislators. Who won’t say, with a wink, sure, I’d love for that to happen – and then never follow through.

Vote Craig Caruana Nov. 5.

For comparison, here are some of his mailers:


georgetheatheist said...

She's "fighting" for us here. She's "fighting" for us there.

Make that "farting" for us.

Anonymous said...

Sadly, the reality is, even though Craig is the better candidate, the dipshit will win. The sheeple in the district will vote her back in.

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy's brains are between her legs.

How did you think she got a leg up in politics?

Anonymous said...

Good job Crappy. Don't forget to mention that she spent a good deal of her term running for congress while ignoring local problems.

Ralph said...

To the person that always ask "Who is Craig Caruana"? I hope this thread helps. More importantly it shows you who Liz Crowley is and how ineffective she has been to DC30. Excuses, lies, deflecting the issues, are her MO.

BTW...My city union friends will be out on NOV 5 in full force stumping for Dizzy Lizzy. As they hand out fliers please ask them if they live in DC 30, most don't, and ask them to please butt out of our community business.

Anonymous said...


Linguistically Challenged



Anonymous said...

These handout for both of the candidates are horrible .
Poor layout, bad fonts and crummy photos.
This information or the false information each have on they're mailers is misleading and full of hopes and false promises .
Carruana mailer says he has spent his entire life working to better there community. He's a little young to state that.
Also being an intern at the Pentagon is nice, but I'm sure he wasn't giving high clearance .Also why did he quit.
Ms Crowley had nothing to do with the Maspeth school,so why she's standing in front I'm not sure.
Having your pics with local is also in poor taste ,for both. The young woman and girl in Mr Carruana mailer look frightened. You should really use better pics.
It's seems both have taken for the granted the intelligence of the community.
Good luck to us all.

Anonymous said...

In Lizzy's school flyer, why are those vocabulary words surrounded by Punnett squares?

Queens Crapper said...

Maybe there is an eraser shortage.

Anonymous said...

I found out who Carruan is. Thanks.
Seems his the info he provides of himself is full of false accomplishments and promises.
Ms Crowley didn't get any money for the community because of a tiff with The city council president .
Does Carruana believe he could do any better with a democrat leader?
You can't make these promises when you have no control of the funds yourself. It wishful thinking.
As for the union members helping out Crowley, they don't have to live in the area to help. I'm sure Carruana has outside help as well. You couldn't run a campaign without physical help from others who may not live in your district. They may however have friends and family that do.
So if either candidate is using outside voters it really isn't that much of a concern.
False accomplishments and promises are.
There really isn't much to vote for.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, Michael Locasio aka Mugsy appears in Crowley's flyer telling us we should vote for her. Wow, Mugsy is the last guy we should listen to given his past.

Anonymous said...

I could guarantee There is a member of every union in the city that lives in Glendale, Middle Village and Maspeth. Don't hate on unions for being more organized than you. Even if Someone lived upstate in Orange County but works for the city and is a member of a municipal labor union they have a right to influence these races. The outcome directly affects their wallet.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to sound as if I'm a "low information voter" but why isn't Dennis Gallagher running for re-election?

Anonymous said...

Dennis Gallagher is a grandmother rapist, sexual deviant and certifiable dirtbag, any other questions?

Ralph said...

Dizzy Lizzys winning at the moment with 71% reporting. Time to move if she gets in.

sam said...

I cannot believe that Crowley got elected again. It only goes to show you that any idiot can get elected if they have the right connections and the right last name and sometimes just be a Democrat to win because it seems that Democrats do not look at the name, they just vote straight down the line as if the Democratic candidate is the best for the job, no matter who they are and yes I am a Democrat but I vote for the person not the party. Crowley is ignorant and cannot speak yet she still has been elected into office. I guess these neighborhoods deserve what they get because they seem to vote her in yet again. when will you learn?

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