Thursday, November 7, 2013

Because what Greenpoint needs is more luxury towers...

From GlobeSt:

Building on the momentum it gained in May, Greenpoint Landing received a big, and important, nod of approval Wednesday morning. The project—which had been dormant for several years before its plans were presented at a public meeting this spring—was unanimously approved by the City Planning Commission.

The plan calls for 5,500 apartments spread across up to two dozen buildings, including 10 luxury towers, the paper reports. The project also includes plans for 174,000 square feet of publicly accessible open space. In addition, the complex will be well protected from storms with a tiered shore public walkway along the length of the development. The design also will include a series of specific activities or amenities along the waterfront, including a natural play area, a publicly accessible lawn, and a reconstructed Green Street Pier.

Known officially as Greenpoint Landing, the towers could be built as of right, because of rezoning. Park Tower will include a city-owned parcel and build up to 431 affordable-housing units that were promised by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration, says Crain’s.


Joe Moretti said...

Let's face it, NYC can't get enough of luxury apartments that the majority of people cannot even come close to affording the down payment.

Cav said...

You got it, Joe! The Luxury Product City and we're not welcomed here anymore.
Read Julian Brash's "Bloomberg's New York" and just because Bloomberg is out of office that it won't continue.

Don Cavaioli

Anonymous said...

The article states:
"Park Tower will include a city-owned parcel and build up to 431 affordable-housing units that were promised by Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s administration."
- - - - - - - -
What is the definition of "affordable housing?"

King Ning said...

"What is the definition of "affordable housing?""

According to political/real estate developer double speak, that means if you have to ask, you can't afford it. Move.

5,500 planned apartments and only 431 "affordable" units. That amounts to throwing a single chewed up bone to a pack of starving dogs. I'm a born and bred lifelong Greenpointer and this just plain stinks. Why is there such a drive to totally eradicate any remaining vestige of neighborhood life in the borough and replace it with out of place dystopian monstrosities? It seems that the ultimate goal is to completely transform the entire city into a homogenized mega-mall, with the outer boroughs converted into theme parks for the interloping, parentally subsidized, funemployed playcationing urban explorers.

Anonymous said...

when staying is worse than leaving,it's time to GO and ya know what ? It's really,really EASY to do it.
I finally LEFT a year ago and haven't looked back once and doubt i ever will as the city i legally entered ceased to exist a while ago and the country I'm out from died a while ago the same.

My kids attend a beautiful school,they see the real life of agri and animals,attend a full day of school/none of the bs sessions--no crime no nothing and there are jobs and respectful people etc.
Look at a map and do a little research and GET OUT.
it's not as hard as you think and now wth this guy di_blasio--fughetaboutit.
My father is deceased many,many years and when hells Kitchen was starting to get urban renewal,he RANTED "THEY only want this place for the rich"--"watch and see what they're gonna do to US".
well we went over the bridge to LIC and you know the rest of the story,moved further down to astoria--you know the rest of thebstory and now they're playing with greenpoint.
WHO ever imagined this present day scenario for bklyn and queens ?
It's time to go.
Start over someplace LIVEABLE and bring them all out gradually.
Same as how one used to emigrate.
do it.

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