Sunday, October 6, 2013

Whitestone doesn't want high school

You have to love the quotes from this piece from CBS New York:

“I think it’s a terrible idea. I mean I think that we do need a high school. but I don’t think we need it here,” Lucille Seeto said.

“You know what’s going to happen. They’re going to start busing people in from all over the place and you know this just not the neighborhood for it,” Ronnie Mund said.

“My home, I put $800-thousand in my home, I knocked it down when it should be worth $2-million. I’m offered $900-thousand, they feel it’s a fire sale now,” Kevin Shields said.

Also, I couldn't help but notice that Queens County Democratic Machine candidate Paul Vallone seemed to be leading this rally. Since when are Joe Crowley's council picks against building schools? Or is that just something they say until they get into office?


Anonymous said...

I was waiting for this article. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Always get suspicious when I see Queens residents rallying against something.

Always a politician behind it.

Normally they are so passive that they actually get a frightened look in their face if you suggest making a scene about something.

Or if its something a pol doesn't want, the locals get passive and the Queens media will ignore you.

Anonymous said...

Nothing new here..A case of NIMBY (Not in My BackYard)

Anonymous said...

Looks like Astoria II - the not so smart kid brothers of those professionals from "Ditmaaws" who made it to Long Island.

I dub Whitestone "New Vallonia"

Anonymous said...

Your story, crappy, is slanted to make it look like Whitestone residents are against educating children or have not in my back yard syndrome. That is not the case. I lived in Whitestone for over 40 years until I decided to leave New York because of unfettered development and the destruction of quality of life by greedy developers and politicians. The location of this proposed school is in the wrong place, it will increase traffic enormously in an area that is already reeling from lack urban traffic planning. The six acres in question was proposed to be set aside as athletic fields the young people of Whitestone a couple of years ago but NYC said it didn't have the money! It's the last piece of undeveloped land in Northeast Queens that is undeveloped and uncontaminated. All of the rest of the old CYO camp is now housing, this property should be preserved for the youth of Whitestone as a legacy to the youth camp they once had and lost. Give it back !

Queens Crapper said...

It's not my story, it was on CBS.

I can't help the things Whitestone residents say to the media.

And traffic is not an issue when looking at new school sites. A new school is going to generate traffic, no doubt, but the city looks at education as more important than you being late for work.

Anonymous said...

Did it ever dawn on these people that Paul Vallone is fear mongering and there isn't really a plan to put a school there?

Anonymous said...

Can't the kids go to school from home, now, via computer? Why the need for classrooms and teachers? Could it be $ for the construction unions and for the teacher's unions?

Deke DaSilva said...

“This is an inappropriate place for a high school,” one protestor shouted.

One of the signs held by a protestor said:

"We don't need no edukashun!!"

“They’re going to start busing people in from all over the place and you know this just not the neighborhood for it,” Ronnie Mund said.

I know EXACTLY what you're saying, Brother Mund:

"We don't need no VIBRANT DIVERSITY!"

Anonymous said...

Your wearing your bias glasses crappy! you pick and choose your stories. Certainly the cbs reporter has never lived in Whitestone nor have you. It's not a matter of being late for work but traffic safety, quality of neighborhood life and giving back to the community something that was taken away from its youth by developers. Recreational fields. If this were Manhattan they would have never gotten away with what they did. It has occurred to many that Vallone may be fear mongering as many politicians do, but the outcome of that may still work in favor of Whitestone residents. Lincoln said that we can only fight one war at a time! This one first!

Anonymous said...

The city is not about giving back, it's about taking and dumping. Every community that has a high school has traffic. You aren't going to win with that argument. Go to district 24 and you see multiple schools within blocks of each other and a traffic jam and the city doesn't care.

After the school is built, you'll see council member Vallone cutting the ribbon with a smile on his face.

Anonymous said...

The SCA actually told Tony Avella's office that they aren't interested in the site. Vallone and Apelian are aware of this, but chose instead to whip the community into a frenzy.
The dumb Whitestone residents fell for it.

Anonymous said...

Where do most Whitestone kids go to high school now?

Anonymous said...

For every comment like the one Mr. Mund made, there were many more regarding legitimate concerns about lack of public transportation, infrastructure problems and traffic on the one street leading to the proposed site. I was at the petition signing and the reporter asked many questions of many people, but somehow only the provocative responses got put into the newscast. It makes a much more interesting story to portray the residents as being racist.

Anonymous said...

What is so VIBRANT about diversity?

Aren't we all supposed to be Americans? The "Melting Pot" just doen't fit into some peoples agenda.

Anonymous said...

No doubt, given the Vallone families interest in developing northeast Queens they have a vested interest in getting theirs or their friends hands on that property, Whitestone residents must stay aware of this. On the other hand a public school just to block their ambitions is not the answer. BTW, where was the republican candidate. It was all Dems again. Vallone, Apellian and Markel. All Pro development. All anti traffic containment.

Anonymous said...

why should whitestone be any different then any other neighborhood -- these people are not better then anyone else!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't believe Whitestone residents are as dumb as you take them for. The quoted interviews by cbs were taken out of context, edited and off the cuff and should be taken in that regard. Paul Vallone came into that neighborhood
four years ago on the pretext of running for City Council and family immediately got involved in developing a brownfield site. We all know what the future fight will be about.

Anonymous said...

What's wrong crappy? Not posting my comments? You've picked the wrong guy and the wrong neighborhood to pass your bias judgment on. This issue is vitally important to Whitestone and will determine its future the same way as Gettysburg and Saratoga decided the future of our country. Give me a free press!

Queens Crapper said...

I posted all the comments. I'm sorry if they weren't posted fast enough for you, but I do have a life and am not sitting here waiting for people to comment all day.

Anonymous said...

Life in Whitestone is important also! If your too important and too busy then do something else but don't pick a school yard fight you know nothing about. The article is bias. The issue is much too important to just give it a rest and let it slide.

Anonymous said...

"The woman from community board 3" aka president of the waterside estates condo board as well as democratic part machine hack has had her house on the market for about six months or so now.

Could it be that thru her connections at cb 3 she knew about this and tries to get out before it happened?

Could it be that she is staging this whole show with the vallones in order to come back with more out of character development by her friend Andrew an then issue statements saying "we did what we could and its better than a school! "

Queens Crapper said...

"The article is bias"

Ok, well I guess I could have gone with the one at Queens Courier which quotes Vallone and no one else at the rally.

Because that would have been less biased.

Anonymous said...

Hey did you all check out Vallone's online petition? Let's the wonderful residents of Whitestone comment, like this bright light:

As a professional wrestler & an owner of a very expensive home in Whitestone, we don't need those little jimmies polluting our streets

Al Centola said...

I know the area and I know it well. A school there makes no sense at all. For ANYONE. The area is not conducive to buses and not accessible to public transportation.

Now 150 th place and 14 th ave is perfect. Check it out for yourselves.

The media took some comments and made it sound like nimby. Well in some cases it very well might be. Since when has protecting what might be someone's largest investment (their homes) such a bad thing.

The residents of Whitestone want and need a school, just include the community and work with us in finding a suitable location. While we're at it , how about a police pct?!

Al Centola said...

This is what we need in Whitestone and every community.

Anonymous said...


"The woman from community board 2" aka president of the waterside estates condo board as well as democratic part machine hack has had her house on the market for about six months or so now.

Could it be that through her connections at cb 3 she knew about this and tries to get out before it happened?

Could it be that she is staging this whole show with the vallones in order to come back with more out of character development by her friend Andrew an then issue statements saying "we did what we could and its better than a school! "

Anonymous said...

Last time crappy! The article is bias against the Whitestone community. Your the one titled it "Whitestone doesn't want high school". Whitestone doesn't want a high school in that location. It does not want an increase in traffic in that tight northeast corner and has been fighting for decades to remedy that problem. This would only exacerbate it. How about youth athletic fields, a give back for loss of the cyo camp, since NYC seems to suddenly have so much money. This was Al Centola's idea two years ago, but the politicians want development either a school or houses and to hell with the youth of our community!

Anonymous said...

I noticed that Dennis Saffran the republican was not there, nor democrat State Senator Avella, Assemblyman Bronstein and of course not Hallorin, although he is still councilman. Debbie Markel says she's against the school. She's also against the athletic fields. Her preference is more houses. But is she staying in Whitestone to put up with the increased traffic and pollution. I doubt it!

Anonymous said...

Saffran was there and chuck Appellian was overheard chastising gw for inviting him.

Cody introduced him and he had the decency to not comment because e didn't want to make it a political event. Well not more than Vallone did.

Markell is against children be it a school and or controlled fields for organized sports for the children of the community. I say all of Whitestone goes to her house for trick or treating. Miserable witch.

O course she's against everything but housing developments that her friends Paul and Andrew develop

Anonymous said...

If Silent Saffran was there he was also invisible. And what the hell it was a political event both Paul Vallone and Follow the Buck Chuck were on hand along with {I love those Whitestone kids} Sweet Debbie Markel. Good luck Saffran, your swimming with the sharks now!

Anonymous said...

Don't vote for stinky.

Anonymous said...

Saffran was absolutely there; he talked to reporters about his concerns, but also indicated, like Avella, that this is merely a site that is being considered--no decisions have been made. Saffran came out with a thoughtful press release about this issue, unlike Paul Vallone who doesn't really care about the issue but is merely pandering for votes!! You bet Vallone is for school construction--it will line his pockets. along with Daddy's and Peter's!!! He is the DEVELOPMENT CANDIDATE!!! What a riot that the Whitestone folks are so gullible that they believe Paul Vallone's hysteria about this issue! He is such a pathetic liar! BTW--he doesn't send his kids to public schools! And have you all noticed, that other than Duane, none of his other opponents have endorsed him--nor will they! Vallone is out there on his own---talking about no issues of substance!!!

Anonymous said...

Some of the comments here are hilarious. You have no proof for anything you say, not even a shred, yet you continue to make ignorant statements. That's what's wrong with the internet. People will believe and spew anything they read as the absolute truth.

Anonymous said...

Yup, and Whitestoners will apparently believe anything Paul Vallone says.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Graziano, Shafran and Chrissy will be endorsing Vallone any day now. And a monkey may also fly out of my ass on Halloween.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 27:

What does Community Board No. 3 have to do with this? They're on the other side of Flushing Bay from Whitestone.

Queens Crapper said...

Debra Markell is the DM for Queens CB2.

Anonymous said...

Too bad none of the reporters reported anything Saffran supposedly said. As for Whitestoners, they know the Vallones well from the debacle of the brown site but they need a clear cut alternative. What does Silent Saffran stand for on this issue. Nobody knows!

Anonymous said...

We in Whitestone know what Debbie is crappy! It's also widely rumored in Whitestone that she has her house on the block. We're sure gonna miss her!

Anonymous said...

Dennis Saffran publicly stated at the Bayside Historical debate, along with 4 of the 5 Democratic candidates (Paul Vallone didn't show up), that he wanted a park at that site.

Despite this, Whitestone voted for Vallone instead of the 4 others in the primary and will now turn out en masse to vote for him in the general election. Now you're either going to have a high school or a worse development at that site. Great choice, people. You're about to get exactly what you deserve.

Anonymous said...

Hey folks, kids take buses to school. The MTA provides supplemental service that takes them right to the front door of the school. Plus, your own kids will have a school in your own backyard to attend. Win-win.

Anonymous said...

You cannot win elections by standing on the sidelines and making no comments to the mass media. Debates never decide elections, especially debates where no more than 100 people attend. Its all name recognition and party at the polls. If Vallone gets in they will have to fight him the same way they did Hallorin or loose to another Vallone family development. But NO SCHOOL on that site!

Anonymous said...

Saffran wasn't at this event, it was organized by Vallone. He was at last week's protest, organized by Greater Whitestone Taxpyers.

Anonymous said...

I know that, Crapper. But Anon No. 27 was talking about her getting information through Community Board No. 3, who has nothing to do with this issue.

Anonymous said...

The pattern of the Vallones is to get their fingers in development projects after they have taken over the community.

The fact that a Vallone is involved you know that the fix is in.

Anonymous said...

Funny but Saffrans comments at the greater Whitestone event never got widely reported. Maybe HE should organize his very own rally at the site and state his position so the world knows. Whitestone taxpayer meetings are for dues paying members only! Nobodies stopping Saffran but himself!

Anonymous said...

You really think the Vallones need to "take over a community" to develop a real estate project? You need a scorecard! They've already been involved in the past several years on the Whitestone Brownfield site and many years ago with the CYO property. Go figure!

Anonymous said...

Build a saloon instead. We close our newstands because we don't read the Times.

Anonymous said...

I find it very funny how Paulie was never seen on this end of the council district for the prior nine months and now he has been here 3 times in a week. I guess its how he is going to scare some votes.

Anonymous said...

Avella's office , the SCA, and the DOE all say there are no plans to build a school on this site. Vallone has created hysteria here, seeking to get a lot of good PR for his campaign. I hope it blows up in his face, and makes him look like the fool that he is!

Anonymous said...

Not true. The president of Gwtca spoke to the DOE surveyor himself. Not saying Vallone isn't turning this into a vote Vallone circus, but there is truth to it.

Anonymous said...

Well that's great news. A couple of years ago Alfredo Centola of Malba Gardens civic proposed that the land be purchased by NYC and made into athletic fields for the kids. Hallorin would not support the idea but senator Avella was going to pursue it if I recall correctly. I wonder what progress he has made on that initiative. It would give back something to the community something that was taken away by developers of the cyo property and keep the land out of the hands of connected developers who want to put up another 55 unneeded houses for the newly rich!

Anonymous said...

They are required to survey. Then they decide whether to take it further. They have decided not to.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 50:

Scare tactics may have helped Vallone in the primary. Why not go for it again?

Anonymous said...

Al Centola,I have a much better idea.Bow about we put jt ln Boulevard,or perhaps in one of the undereutilized traffic circles i.n your little McMansioned,overly landscaped,irrigated and privately patrolled nsck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

Vallone is a liar! A DOE rep confirmed today tht the DOE is not interested in pursuing this site. It is a closed matter! Vallone knows this, but is seeking to exploit this! HE WILL BE EXPOSED! What a liar! He is not FIT to represent our community! He will drive us, and our neighborhoods into the ground! Spread the word! Anyone but Vallone!!!

Anonymous said...

The CBS article was about the second rally which was held on Saturday 10/5. Saffran & Cody were NOT there Saturday. They were there for the first rally on the Tuesday before, 10/1.

Al Centola said...

Anonymous said...

Whitestone does not have a zoned high school. Therefore, they either have to take a bus to get to school or get driven by their parents. A lot of kids go to private school because of the choices of public high schools, and that area of Whitestone does not want their child going to Bayside, Cardozo, Flushing or Francis Lewis. I live in Whitestone, and I know plenty of other people who live there as well. Whitestone is mostly middle to upper class, and seriously, they don't want under priveleged teens in their neighborhood. Traffic - we see it in College Point and there's no high school there either. Just lots of stores. Having a high school in Whitestone will now give those residents a place to send their child - someplace closer.

Anonymous said...

The city doesn't zone high schools any more. Wake up.

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