Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Schneiderman going after AirBnB

From the Daily News:

The state’s top cop is throwing the guest book at AirBnB — demanding host data from the 225,000 New Yorkers on the Web's biggest apartment sharing site.

Attorney General Eric Schneiderman subpoenaed the data as part of an investigation into the website stemming from a 2010 law that makes it illegal to use such sites to rent out your own apartment.
AirBnB has until Monday to turn over the data.

The site has 225,000 users in the city, but only data from those who rent out their place is being sought, according to sources. That would affect only about 15,000 of New Yorkers.

The legal strike comes just days after AirBnB CEO Brian Chesky tried to appease state lawmakers by agreeing that its users should collect the normal hotel occupancy tax and promising to work with pols to root out bad hosts.


Anonymous said...

good. run them out of business.

Anonymous said...

I lived in a co-op in the city where one of the original renters that refused to buy was renting her place out as a BnB. The guests were European and very nice but she had no right making her entire rent-stabilized rent in a weekend.

It was basically one less rent stabilized apartment on the market.

And then she would screw that up and forget to leave keys, etc.

That's when she got caught!

Anonymous said...

Good next go after these churches who rent out their houses to their congregation members!! Make it illegal for churches to buy houses!!

Anonymous said...

it's about time. I know someone who rents apartments under relatives names, his lawyers names then rents them out as hotels. this is destroying rent stabilization.
making it that much harder for working NY'ers to find affordable apartments.

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