Thursday, October 10, 2013

Old time tweeder tête-à-tête

From the Politicker:

A small group of Queens officials quietly schmoozed with disgraced ex-Comptroller Alan Hevesi last night, reuniting with him for a “welcome home” dinner after he was jailed for his role in a massive pay-to-play scandal.

Mr. Hevesi, a power broker who was close to the Queens County Democratic organization before he admitted to receiving $1 million in kickbacks while investing the state’s pension fund, dined with State Senator Toby Stavisky, Councilwoman Karen Koslowitz and former Queens Borough President Claire Shulman at a local diner in Rego Park.

Mr. Hevesi, reportedly nicknamed “Hevey D” by rapper Ja Rule in prison, served 20 months and was released on parole at the end of last year. “This was their welcome home dinner for him,” explained a well-placed source. “Just the four of them.”

When he entered Shalimar Diner, Mr. Hevesi, also a former assemblyman and city comptroller, was immediately recognized by a hostess, who led him to the rear of the dining area. There, the four pols nibbled on salmon, bread and soup, catching up and laughing loudly until lowering their voices in the middle of the meal–perhaps noticing a reporter sitting nearby.

While Mr. Hevesi has departed from the political scene, his legacy lingers in the borough. His son, Andrew, is an assemblyman representing his dad’s old district and a former protégé named Melinda Katz is likely to become the next borough president.

Reflecting on Ms. Katz’s victory in last month’s Democratic primary, Mr. Hevesi told Politicker, “It’s good stuff.”


Anonymous said...

Who are those 4 old men sitting at the table?

georgetheatheist said...

"Ms" Katz? They must mean "Homewrecker" Katz.

It's good stuff.

Vote Tony Arcabascio.

The Newsies said...

"Extry! Extry! Read all about it!: Katz Katheter Kanoodled"

Anonymous said...

Is that the best they could do - a shitty diner in Queens? I can taste the bad coffee from here!

Jon Torodash said...

So that was why councilwoman Koslowitz was so late to the CB9 meeting, and stayed only long enough to say her piece. I knew there was a good reason.

Anonymous said...

Heard Queens Crap was on the menu that night.

Anonymous said...

A convicted felon taking his morning coffee with a group of potential future convicted felons. May they all one day wear the orange jump suit!

Alfred the butler said...

We all know that Koslowitz looks like the Joker, and now with his bald top Hevesi looks like Egghead. Which two Batman criminals do Stavisky and Shulman resemble? Perhaps Penguin and King Tut?

Missing Foundation said...

Wow, is THAT a Queens Classic or what?

Thank you Crappy, for publishing a photograph that will go down as defining a generation of Queens politics.

Good work and thank you again.

georgetheatheist said...

Was it separate checks? Who left the tip?

Anonymous said...

No, Koslowitz picked up the bill. She's collecting a hefty pension AND a salary, after all.

Anonymous said...

Not bad for a High School Graduate.

Anonymous said...

George wrote:
Was it separate checks? Who left the tip?

I'd bet the check was paid by a weasel. Ooops, sorry - that describes all of them...

Anonymous said...

Hevesi has become a "Prison Consultant", preparing them for life on the inside.

Anonymous said...

A post election endorsement of Katz by HEAVY D.! Really good stuff! You got all the Democratic women on board ,hunched over the table and laughing like hyenas.

Anonymous said...

Missing Foundation:

You must mean 'Thank you, New York Observer, for publishing a photograph that will go down as defining a generation of Queens politics. And thank you, Crappy, for copying and reposting it.'

Credit where it's due.

Helen Marshall said...

What am I? Chopped liver? How come no one invited me?

Anonymous said...

You people in Queens should be ashamed of yourselves. Here are group of criminal conspirators right before your very eyes and hardly any outrage!

Anonymous said...

NEVER FORGET.....Hevesi voted for the NYS FORCED BUSING REGENTS MEMBERS,in1975. all N.E.Queens 8-12 graders would go to cambria Hgts. A.Jackson H.S.,now a failing Campus MagnetH.

Anonymous said...

Helen Marshall said...
What am I? Chopped liver? How come no one invited me?
Well, Helen. If you had half a mind - - - you'd have half a mind.
As for the rest of that crew, I wonder how long it took the staff to get the stench out of the room!

Anonymous said...

Queens is about 2.2 million people. That's bigger than most cities in the United States. Seeing the physical concentration of its past and leadership in these sagging flesh bags of incompetence is living satire. I wouldn't hire these people to run a civic association.

Anonymous said...

I ran a civic association for a number of years and I wouldn't want any of these people, and I use the term loosely, ever to run it. God help us!

Anonymous said...

There's about 320 years of political muck in that photo.

Anonymous said...

Hevesi was probably instructing them on how to handle themselves after they go to prison.

The Fly on the Wall said...

Hevey D: "And then he turned me to the tiles, bent me over, and did the unspeakable."

The Harpies: "Oooo! Speak to us, Alan, about that unspeakable. Eeee! It's been such a long, long time. Uhhhhhh!

Hevey D: Can you feel my foot?

Anonymous said...

Hey, no fressing without blessing

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