Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Leg found near Fort Totten

From the Queens Courier:

A body part believed to be a human leg was discovered in the water near Fort Totten Park Monday afternoon.

Police responded to a call of a possible body part found in the vicinity of Duane and Underhill roads around 4:30 p.m. yesterday, said cops.

After determining that the body part was likely a human leg, police searched the shoreline area, but found no additional body parts.

The Medical Examiner’s Office will determine if the leg is human and its origins. The investigation is ongoing.


Anonymous said...

I guess now the shoe is on the other foot.

John said...

Good thing it wasn't a spine - they'd never be able to identify it, since so many of our local politicians are missing one.

Anonymous said...

When I used to stroll the shore over there I would come across the remains of animals from Santeria sacrifices.

Perhaps this group has upped the ante.

Anonymous said...

Since day one, the Parks Dept. has been giving Fort Totten the finger, so why not throw in a foot?

Anonymous said...

That was someone's subway fare, under DiBlasio it will cost an arm too!

Anonymous said...

Are there other types of humanoid-like legs that frequently wash up on NYC beaches?

Anonymous said...

The report added "no criminality is suspected."

Anonymous said...

I think the parks department is pulling our legs with this report...

Anonymous said...

ROLFMAO I love QC!!!

georgetheatheist said...

Jus'a Halloween gag. Did any a youse seen my plastic laig hangin' out of muh car trunk? Trick a treat.

Anonymous said...

Can they not recognize a human foot from an animals foot?? I don't know any animal that has the same legs looking like a humans!!

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