From the NY Times:
Before she came to be known as Baby Hope, Anjelica Castillo lived with seven people in the Queens apartment where she was killed. None of them spoke up when she vanished one summer day.
Neither did her parents, who never reported the girl missing, nor did at least two of her sisters, who spoke of it to each other but not to the authorities.
Several factors may have contributed to the family’s reluctance to speak up. Many were living in the United States illegally, according to two other law enforcement officials, and were likely fearful of coming forward. One of the officials said that after the killing, Ms. Juarez-Ramirez and Mr. Juarez told others living in the apartment on 30th Avenue in Astoria that “Anjelica is not coming home” and that they should not ask questions. Investigators believe the pair might have succeeded in keeping them quiet because of the immigration status of those living there.
That figures!! And the USA government wants to give these people legal status?! The USA government is crazy about this amnesty crap!! No amnesty for criminals!! How many more babies are going to die under the hands of illegals in this country?!
Please GOD no more more Illegals(Mexicans) or any other to the U.S.A.
Look if these low lifes look the other way when a child is brutalized and killed, do you think they give two shits about politicians and how effective they are?
If I was a politician I would do everything possible to have these people fill up my district and chase everyone else out.
And, that is exactly what has been happening for decades in the diverse wonderful mosaic that was once called 'Queens, the Garden Borough'.
Aided and abetted, of course, by the Queens voter.
Here I "politically incorrect " fact everyone ignores. If you study the cases an the numbers like I have. You will find a staggering majority of sexual assault cases against children all start from and continue from " uncles and close relative or family friends" now delve deeper and you notice that the number of Hispanic culprits rings at an almost 80%. Is this the rich culture they speak of?
The numbers do not lie. Check it out. I have.
Queens has been over run by these illegals.....these illegals are the same ones who brutally murder other people including children! Its time that the "middle class" take Queens back from the illegals who have ran out the good people of this city!!
Illegal or not, the injustice to this innocent girl required that Juarez should have been turned over to the police (or just killed outright for vengeance if you don't care for involving the police).
In the 22 years that have gone by, how many of the extended family of Anjelica Castillo became citizens of the United States?
Before she came to be known as Baby Hope, Anjelica Castillo lived with seven people in the Queens apartment where she was killed. None of them spoke up when she vanished one summer day.
Neither did her parents, who never reported the girl missing, nor did at least two of her sisters, who spoke of it to each other but not to the authorities.
For 22 years......those who knew the answers kept quiet about what they had seen or heard. Indeed, more than a half-dozen of Anjelica’s relatives carried part or all of the haunting secret of her disappearance.
.....Another disturbing question arose: how could so many have remained silent for so long?
No delatar!
Si usted ve algo, diga nada!
Acorrala a los sospechosos habituales!!!
now delve deeper and you notice that the number of Hispanic culprits rings at an almost 80%.
There is a HUGE problem in the hispanic community with child molestation. In the last 50 years or so, the western cultures have been able to shake off the stigma of this kind of thing, and take the shame away from being a victim, and made it OK to come forward when it happens. Not so in their community.
Couple that with the fact that they also look down upon turning in a family member, and you get situations like this.
Disgusting animals.
poor child
god rest her soul
Welcome to 21st Century New York, welcome to the United States.
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