Monday, October 7, 2013

Bryant High School has a mini-jail on campus

From the NY Post:

The principal of William Cullen Bryant HS in Long Island City, Queens, has rounded up more than 20 failing kids with behavior problems — and put them in a trailer where they stay all day.

Principal Namita Dwarka calls the boxy, red trailer housing the confined misfits “the Scholars Academy.”

Teachers come to the trailer for English, math, science, history and other classes. Even lunch is brought in. If kids go into the cafeteria, they are not served, one told The Post. The only break is phys ed in the yard, when a teacher “rolls out the balls.”

“Most of the kids are not happy with the situation,” a staffer said.

Gus Prentzas, president of the Bryant HS parents association, calls the treatment “unacceptable.”

Some “act crazy” during class, making it difficult to concentrate on work, one trailer student said. Others defiantly listen to music on headphones.

Well, what are you supposed to do with disruptive students since you apparently can't suspend or expel them anymore?


philcic said...

I taught at Bryant HS 1990-2006 and I'm still in contact with teachers there.
Only 20 are disruptive enough to be segregated? The reason that there are only 20 is that the trailer only holds 20, and with 3000+ they have no rooms.
These so called "students" are basically uncontrollable even by the Deans. Nobody is violating their rights. The fact is, they are violating the right of the students who do their homework, and come to class to learn.
By the way, the Principal of the school is a evil little functionary at war with, and despised by, most of the teachers there.

Deke DaSilva said...

Comrade Mayor de Blasio will take care of this!

He'll make sure these "young scholars" get their subsidized breakfast and lunch, an after-school activities program paid for by those dastardly 1%ers, and chocolate mints on their pillows at bed time!!

Anonymous said...

A horrible school. Only 15% go on to college.

Anonymous said...

Misbehavior in public schools has no negative consequences for the student (at least in the short term). If there's no way to enforce order in a classroom, you get a Blackboard Jungle That movie is 58 years old.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Bryant Jimmy Van Bramers Alma whatever? That would explain a lot wouldn't it?

Anonymous said...

Its best if we just release them from the educational system altogether instead of mistreating them. We need a larger underclass in this country anyway to attract low skilled type industry back to the U.S.

georgetheatheist said...

Comrade Mayor de Blasio will take care of this!

He'll make sure these "young scholars" get their subsidized breakfast and lunch, an after-school activities program paid for by those dastardly 1%ers, and chocolate mints on their pillows at bed time!!

Plus he'll arrange for these "scholars" to transfer to the elite Brooklyn Technical High School where his son, afro-head Dante, attends.

You see, liberals dont want special privileges from the masses.

Anonymous said...

Damn Asian kids, always acting the thug.

Anonymous said...

Oh, cant expect the anti socials to do low skilled work. It's exploitation....

Anonymous said...

It's called a stockade

Anonymous said...

Prison camps. Their parents can join them, too.

Anonymous said...

These trailers are just part of their education,preparing them for the big time. Where's their exercise yard?

Anonymous said...

This is where all the large High Schools in Queens are headed,especially Grover Cleveland.btw,does Bryant still have the Broadway marquee style flashing lights sign outside the office?

Anonymous said...

Finally, a principal with common sense. If you can't act accordingly, you need to be segregated. If the parents of the 20 students don't like their accommodations, let them pay for private school. See how long they would be tolerated there. Maybe they will change their behavior for the good and then can join the other students in the general population. It's up to them. The parents should be thankful that the administration hasn't given up on them and are trying to teach them.

Jack360 said...

"Comrade Mayor de Blasio will take care of this...."

His solution would be similar to the one he offered in the motorcyclist incident in Wash Heights - I see him saying something like "We need to go to every school (motorcycle club), and talk to these students (motorcyclists) and tell them bad behavior would not be tolerated..." This mayor is going to be a total disaster.

Anonymous said...

If Duh Blasio said that then he needs to drop out of the mayoral race! What the current mayor needs to do is ban ALL motorcycles from the 5 boros for the sake of public safety. They are obviously more dangerous than big sodas!

Anonymous said...

Any info if any of these "scholars" are "undocumented immigrants?"

Anonymous said...

Bryant team won the NYC Championship (100schools),led by Wally Di Masi,Richie Bennet(Proviidence Coll.), 1949-50.

Anonymous said...

what would the principled principal do?R.I.P.Howard Hurwitz L.I.C. when it was a scholars school.

Jon Torodash said...

The "Scholars Academy," huh...

George Orwell is grinning.

Anonymous said...

There really is a school called The Scholars Academy in Rockaway Park.

Anonymous said...

Why can't they just be transferred to a magnet school?

Anonymous said...

Rikers has a nice school and its sort of a magnet. Send them there to get an early start in the SYSTEM!

Anonymous said...

Hurwitz expelled a female bully ,who hit a L.I.C. office clerk.she was African-american and the A.C.L.U. and B.O.Ed. communists had Hurwitz removed ,after 1 week of the local parents surrounding the building.
the chancellor threatened him with loss of 35 years of pension.

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