Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Amanda looking to stick around?

From the Daily News:

Mayor Bloomberg’s chief of city planning gave an unexpected shoutout Monday to mayoral hopeful Bill de Blasio’s proposal to provide more affordable housing.

“The incoming, possible, mayor ... he says you shouldn't be able to build any housing unless you include affordable housing," Amanda Burden told a conference. “It's an interesting idea.”

Zoning changes by the Bloomberg administration have included offering developers incentives to create affordable housing. Under one change, a developer that agrees to make 20% of a project’s units “affordable” can build a bigger building in return, an arrangement known as “inclusionary housing.”

But many developers have rejected this incentive.

De Blasio backs a plan, called mandatory inclusionary housing, which would require landlords to include affordable units in their projects no matter what.

In praising De Blasio’s plan, Burden defended hers. Her staff feared extra regulations would stymie construction, she said.


Anonymous said...

What's an incentive! Is that government speak for taxpayer money?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right...

Anonymous said...

Affordable for who?

Welfare types? Illegals? Working class?

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