Wednesday, October 9, 2013

5 Pointz final vote today

From the Daily News:

The owners of the 5Pointz Aerosol Art Center are so eager to knock down the graffiti haven and replace it with high-end apartments that they have more than doubled the number of units they’re willing to set aside for affordable housing.

Jerry Wolkoff and his son David Wolkoff, of G & M Realty, agreed to increase the number of affordable units from 75 to 210 when they seek City Council approval Wednesday for the 41- and 47-story towers, which would require a special permit to build bigger than current zoning allows.

Preference is expected to go toward city workers, teachers, veterans, seniors and residents of Community Board 2, which encompasses the area.


Anonymous said...

Watch these snakes they aint honest! Make em keep their artsie building they love so much! Trash for trash!

Anonymous said...

Interesting... Does the law really allow for affordable housing preference to be given to:

1) People with certain jobs
2) People of a certain age
3) People who already have a certain address
4) People with a certain military status?

In other words, if I happen to work for minimum wage in a bodega in Maspeth, I easily lose out to a teacher making 80K who served in 'nam and got priced out of Astoria? Doesn't that run afoul of other housing laws?

Anonymous said...

If you work for minimum wage you can't afford affordable housing.

City employees don't need help - everyone else does! They should be exempted from this kind of stuff. People also routinely hide their assets in corps. to get these places. They never go to the people that truly need them.

Anonymous said...

Damn right poster 2. How can you use public money (and tax breaks) and then apply it to a convoluted formula that fits a tweeding program.

Its illegal of course.

Everyone know that the 'affordable housing' is something that you feed to the stupid and gullible.

When you hear this from city officials, electeds, developers and the media the rest of us think of another two words: "lying bastards."


let's look at this again

affordable housing =
lying bastards.

So simple event he gullible can grasp it.

Anonymous said...

the only way that housing can be made affordable is cutting back on demand (cut off immigration) or increasing the supply of money (cutting back on taxes)

both the tweeders will not do.

Anonymous said...

"Equal protection under law" is so quaint and old-fashioned...

The government wants to put its big thumb on the scales of everything.

Anonymous said...

What a joke real estate has gotten. Affordable housing in there eyes are people who can afford the 1 mil price tag on these garbage condos they build.

Joe Moretti said...

Face it there is no such thing as affordable housing in NYC, no matter how you slice and dice it.

Anonymous said...

To be able to get one of the apartments you have to meet the income requirement. You can't make 10,000 but you also can't make 120,000. It's set somewhere in between. They may be luring those professions but anyone is eligible . It will be available on the city's housing web site with instructions and forms. You need to make enough to pay the rent.

Anonymous said...

The Wolkoffs are liars!
NOTHING is in writing...either the "affordable" housing or space for the artist-muralists to continue painting.

Remember that sweetheart of a girl...who you promised to go steady with if she let you into her pants?

And after you got there, you dumped her for another sweet thing.

As soon as "big " Jerry and "nerd-son" David Wolkoff get what they want, they intend to flip the property.

That's the buzz that's going around in the real estate world.

Jimmy Van Bramer and Joe Conley are another pair of liars.

Anonymous said...

Are they gonna let artists rattle can paint those suckers?

Anonymous said...

What you fail to put into print here is that these corrupt landlords MUST make 1/5 of the amount of apartments available as low income housing in order to qualify for 'tax-free status'. In other words, out of the 1,000 apartments they have planned, 250 must got to low income tenants, NOT the 210 they are proposing. In any event, 'tax free' means these pigs pay NO REAL ESTATE TAX FOR 20 YEARS, sucking the services and infrastructure from established homeowners in the area WHO GET NOTHING FOR THEIR TAXES IN RETURN EXCEPT FOR THEIR MONEY GOING TO SCUM LIKE THIS SO THEY CAN DESTROY OUR NEIGHBORHOODS FOR FREE AND PUT UP TOWERS TO HOUSE THE OUT OF TOWN IVY LEAGUE 2% TRUST FUND INBREDS.

This is exactly why people cannot own homes here anymore and establish steady neighborhoods like our parents and grand parents did since OUR taxes go up and up to pay for a disaster to our environment like this one.

The Wolkoff's should be made to LIVE in this crap and NOT have the luxury of living OUT OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD THEY ARE DESTROYING.

Van Bramer is a piece of crap that sold out Long Island City to Bloombergism. He should be put into jail and rot.

Anonymous said...

They should live in their graffiti building that the hip community loves soooo much!

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